Do You Often Wake Up at 3AM, 4AM, 0r even 5AM when you don't really want to?
This Can Be A Sign Of Spiritual Awakening! But It Can Also Be Something Else…
So to help you clearly determine what it means for you…
We’re going to look at what it means to wake up between 3AM and 5:00 AM from three different perspectives.
3 AM & The Witching Hour
Before we dive in, I do just want to say that this time period between 3-5 AM coincides with what is known as the witching hour.
The Witching Hour is the time in the very early morning in which the veil is thin and accessing the realms of spirit becomes easier. It's a time of internalized consciousness when most people in your local area are still sleeping. And so it can facilitate further awakening, clear communication, and receiving clear guidance from spirit and even opening your third eye.
Learn more about the Witching Hour Here >>
Now, let’s dive into what it means when you keep waking up sometime around 3AM, 4AM, or 5AM…
While this can be a spiritual awakening sign (and more about that shortly) it can also be something else.
What Does It Mean When You Wake Up Between 3-5AM?
3 Layers of Meaning
Energy Imbalance.
Now, while I personally am not a Chinese Medicine doctor, or evern expert or practitioner, I know just enough about Chinese medicine to understand that different times of the day are associated with different organs and systems of the body.
Waking Between 1:00AM – 3:00AM
From a Chinese Medicine perspective, waking up between 1:00AM and 3:00 AM can be a sign of liver chi stagnation.
In other words, it can be an indication that the energy of your liver could be stagnant in some way.
So if this is you, if you're waking up between 1:00AM and 3:00 AM, it would be good to ask yourself:
Have you been experiencing signs of liver energy stagnation, like irritability and anger?
Were you drinking alcohol before you went to sleep?
Are there other factors you're aware of that can validate this Chinese medicine perspective that your liver may be crying out for some help between 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM?
Waking Between 3:00AM – 5:00 AM
Now… The time period between 3:00AM to 5:00 AM in Chinese medicine, is associated with the lungs.
So waking up between 3:00 and 5:00 AM without planning on it, and without an alarm clock, of course, could be a sign of a lung energy imbalance that your body, your lungs, are literally reaching out for help and for your awareness about.
So if you're waking up between 3:00AM and 5:00 AM, it's a good idea to ask yourself:
Have you been experiencing sadness or grief, which are correlated with the lung and maybe contributing to that imbalance of lung energy?
Are you a smoker?
Do you know of some other reason why your lungs may be calling out for your awareness, love and help?
What To Do
If you do find that you have some of the signs or symptoms of a liver or lung energy imbalance, in addition to waking between 3-5AM…
It is a good idea to do a little more digging and personal research about the root cause of this, including how to clear those emotions that can be the cause and trigger of an imbalance and blockage in your physical body.
It’s also a call and reminder to step up your self-love and care for your physical body, for your lungs, for your liver.
You may also want to consider seeing a Chinese Medicine Doctor or Acupuncturist to help you further identify and clear any potential imbalances or issues.
So this first perspective, is not exactly a sign of spiritual awakening, but it is a sign that your body is reaching out, and reminding you to do the emotional clearing work.
When your emotions are clear and centered, higher light is able to flow through you and you're also able to access clear divine wisdom and guidance within because your emotional state is balanced.
The Veil Is Thin and Spirit Is Reaching Out With Guidance
The second layer of meaning about what it means when you're waking up between 3:00 AM – 5:00 AM is from a spiritual awakening perspective.
I mentioned above that this time period coincides with the witching hour, which is sometimes seen as being from 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM or is sometimes seen as being 2:00 AM to 4:00 AM… But either way, it's about these early morning hours being a time in which when the veil is thin.
With this, waking up at this time could be a call from Spirit, a call from your team of guides and angels, or a call from your soul.
This is a time in which it is somewhat easier to make a clear spiritual connection, and so your team in Spirit may be reaching out to get you to become aware and alert at this hour so you can progress in your awakening and expansion of your consciousness so you can unlock further levels of your clairvoyant perception and receive higher guidance that is available to you to guide you, to support you in your life.
One of the things I've noticed from myself when I've woken up during these times (3-5AM) on a regular basis, and in talking to others, is that you'll often wake up in this window to receive the spiritual guidance that's meant to help get you on track with the purpose of your soul, with your soul work and soul mission, and doing your work in the world.
During this time period you have easy access to the hypnagogic state, the state of consciousness that is in between being awake and being asleep. It’s when you're not fully awake and grounded in waking reality, but you're also not fully asleep and anchored in the dream world of the subconscious either.
Essentially you have a foot in both worlds. The hypnogogic state is incredibly conducive to activating clairvoyant perception, and to tuning in to higher guidance and clear spiritual Sight.
Alternatively, being in the hypnogigic state can be an entrance point into the astral realm.Things like astral travel or out of body experiences can be more readily available at this time.
But for me, waking up at this time is also just an opportunity and a reminder to connect with Spirit, to become receptive and aware of the higher guidance that is available to you in that moment.
So while there may be a tendency from the lower ego mind to get a little worked up or frustrated thinking:
“Ugh, why can’t I sleep? I'm awake again. I'm going to be so tired at work tomorrow…”
Do your best to release those thoughts.
Quiet the ego mind and reinforce to yourself:
“I'm going to feel great and be energized tomorrow regardless of how much sleep I get tonight.”
And then just become aware and tune in.
I recommend tuning in to the inner realms through your heart center at this time … To go within, to access the infinite field, the quantum field of infinite possibility from within which you then are able to open to the guidance, clarity, insight and love that is available from Spirit for you at that time.
This Is A Powerful Time For Creation/ Manifestation
The third level of meaning that also coincides with waking up between 3:00AM and 5:00 AM being a sign of spiritual awakening, is that this is a powerful time for manifestation.
It’s a powerful time for co-creating with Spirit and magnetizing incredible blessings into your life.
There is a beautiful Rumi quotes that I want to share with you that is:
“The breeze at Dawn has secrets to tell you don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep.”
This quote from Rumi carries with it a profound spiritual teaching in a short amount of words.
It illustrates that this is a time around Dawn is one in which you have an opportunity to co-create with Spirit.
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Click HereThis Creation could take a couple of forms.
On one hand, you can choose to stay in bed. Keep laying there with your eyes closed while basking in the hypnogogic state between sleep and being fully awake, meditating, opening your heart, filling yourself up with light, connecting with your teams and spirit, and raising your vibration.
Then from that centered aware, high vibrational state, where you're connected to the vast field of infinite possibility, you can call forth the clear feeling, vision and knowing of what you truly desire in your life.
Paint the picture in your mind of what your life will look like when your deepest desire becomes a reality.
Feel the emotions of your deepest desires coming true, the sheer joy and elation of being alive, knowing that you've created incredible experiences in your life.
See, feel, know, experience, the reality you desire to manifest as if it's already come true.
Feel the feeling, bask in the joy and beauty of your manifestation, anchoring with your life and know that doing this at this time, early in the morning is a powerful way to manifest and you are supported and able to cocreate with spirit to manifest blessings in your life.
3-5 AM is a powerful time where the veil is thin, and where your psychic senses are amplified.
So if your desire is to further awaken your clairvoyance, your clairaudience, and to further open your clear perception of spirit: then this is a very powerful time to get up, to sit up straight, to meditate and to tune in.
It would be a great time to check out my third eye opening meditation that guides you to activate your third eye in a tactile and powerful way so that you can perceive clearly the higher light of spirit and receive the divine guidance available to you.
So get up, and do the meditation to activate your psychic senses, and activate the expanded sense of awakened consciousness that is available to you.
Check Out The Third Eye Opening Meditation Here >>
Now, the other side of this Rumi quote: “Don't go back to sleep” is this:
Rumi speaks about this being a powerful time for creation in a real and tangible sense.
There are many incredibly successful people in the world, Wayne Dyer is someone who comes to mind who was very vocal about the fact that he would wake up at 3:00 AM, and that's when he would write his books.
Hal Elrod who is the author of The Miracle Morning, is another author who publicly proclaims that he wakes up in these early morning hours and writes, because that's when he's most creative and able to flow the guidance of spirit through.
So are you a writer?
Have you been wanting to write?
Do you wake up with an idea?
If so… get up out of bed, and start putting pen to paper, to allow that transmission of guidance and inspiration to flow through you.
My husband is also someone who regularly wakes up between 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning because he's driven, he knows what his purpose is and likes using those early morning hours to get into action and to get into the flow of creation.
So as you can see, there's a few different angles and layers of meaning about what it could mean for you when you wake up between 3AM and 5AM, and the key to unlocking what it means for you is awareness.
When you wake up at those early morning hours, tune in, ask yourself, ask your guides.
Why am I awake now?
Tune in to your emotions. Is there a heavy emotion coming up for release?
Was there some crazy dream that's coming up to be remembered or cleared?
Is there some guidance from Spirit that’s coming in for you now?
Is there a desire you have that you want to manifest?
Or is there a reason for you to get out of bed?
Are you being guided to do that morning meditation or start writing to allow divine guidance and inspiration to flow through you?
I can't answer these questions for you. It's very personal thing, but remember that you have access to profound inner guidance within you.
You truly have the guidance you need to unlock the answer and realize the clear knowing that is available to you in every moment, not only in the wee early hours of the morning…
But within each and every moment when you clear your mind, open your heart, drop your awareness inward and tune in.
With love and bright blessings,
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Hello Melanie. Thank you soo much for your informative article.I too every single night wake between 3a-5a. I have been experiencing things lately and have been trying to figure them out. I believe you have brought me some clarity. I only hope to achieve and understand what is in store for me.
I’m sure I will. Thank you
Just woke up between the hours mentioned and everything you said was spot on! I just this day decided to write a book and proclaimed my desire to do so to my wife.been having recurring instances of getting up within the time frame with my head ready to explode with thoughts and ideas.totally believe our minds operate on a different astral plane at different times of day working to put all these thoughts into a coherent masterpiece.thanks for your explanations of What s going on,as it all makes sense!
Thank you so much for this wonderful material. I have this strong love for mediumship even though I am Christian. I truly desire to see, hear and speak with angels. My greatest desire and joy will be to have you agree to guide me through this process.
Good morning Melanie,
I love your videos and listening to you speak. You have this very calm yet energizing voice that makes me want to really connect to my souls purpose. You always make it sound so possible to do. I’m a Seraphim Blueprint healing practitioner so I’m very much into Angel energy. But, I don’t have the conference in myself yet that I need to fully achieve what I need to do.
Thanks for your inspirational videos and meditations.
I’ve actually been waking up startled haha. Only to find out it’s some form of sleep paralysis. This has only been happening for a few weeks now. But before that I was the other way around I never felt tired I use to feel tired and sleepy after 4am I love your work Thankyou so much for your guidance. Xxx
I have been waking up between 3-5 for several weeks now. More specifically, this last week it has been at 4:44.
Thank you Melanie for this understanding it has helped me make sense of my 3 to 5 awakenings, usually 3 or 3 30ish
Hi Melanie! I did listen to your video about waking up early. Years ago I woke up at 3:33 am, many, many, many times. I would turn over in bed and look at the clock and to my surprise it was 3:33. I used to get up a few times and write poetry at different early hours, mostly around 3am, my poetry was about Jesus. I always hoped that one of my poems would make it out into the world. There’s another interesting thing how “3 pennies “ would show up at the weirdest times. I started to make a logging this but it happened so often that I stopped making note of it! I did once have a dream that I Won $2,500,000 in a Lottery, urge numbers were written on the wall but as I woke up with such excitement and the wonderful feeling of financial freedom that I couldn’t remember the numbers! I am now 63 and I do believe that one day I will acquire some money so I can help out my children. I also believe that so far in my life , I could write a book 📖 but not yet because I believe there are still chapters to still experience before this happens. When I was younger, my Grandmother “who was a 3 Century Woman, born at the end of the 19th century in 1898 and lived a hundred yrs through the 20th Century and passed away in 2001, the 20th Century had mentioned to me, “D’Argent, D’Argent,Beaucoup D’Argent. I’ve also a very dear friend, very Spiritual also tell me about receiving money and also a 3rd person asking me if I can give her a million dollars. So with this in my mind I decided to try and work with individuals to help me make the BIG FAST BUCKS! This never happened yet, but I still have hopes with my last friend. It’s been 12 yrs and still waiting. Since then I’ve been divorced, my mother had a stroke, I had a bad accident when a slate wall fell on me when I was on a ladder and threw all this mayhem I found myself blessed to finally stop the drinking habit. How God works in Masterious Ways! I also know that I have my Angels with me!!! God Bless you and your Family!
Wow, this is timely! I usually wake around 4:18 am I’d say 5 of 7 days a week. Just this morning my dad was telling me the last 2 days a noise woke he and my mom up at 4 am (we live in separate households). I need to ask my brother if he finds himself walking around this time as well.
Thank you Melanie! I love you work and appreciate your guided meditation.