Happy Mothers Day!
Mother's Day is a beautiful opportunity to honor and thank mothers. Your mother – the soul who said yes to bringing you to the planet, whether they remained in your life beyond that.
Mothers Day is also an opportunity to celebrate Gaia Mother Earth, our spiritual mothers, as well as to honor the influence of all mothers in society.
Thank you!
Thank you Mothers everywhere for aligning with the sacred energy of the Divine feminine to birth us all in the physical.
Thank you for loving, nurturing, and caring for us all whole heatedly. Thank you for selflessly helping to set into motion each of our own unique spiritual journey's through life on earth…
Of course not everyone has the most positive or healthy relationship with their birth mothers.
And the “Divine Mother” has been all but stripped from modern religious teachings as a face of the Divine…
For many, Mother's Day may bring up feelings of loss, loneliness, judgement, and layers upon layers of past painful memories and hurts long buried and left unresolved.
So here's where the redefinition comes in.
Mothers Day In A New Spiritual Light
Spiritually speaking, Mother's Day is not only a celebration of our earthly mothers, but an opportunity to celebrate and consciously reconnect with the energies of the Divine Feminine, Divine Mother.
The Divine Mother is the feminine face of God. The Supreme Intelligence, and Divine Presence that dwells in the space behind the material, in the space beyond all.
When we allow our awareness to expand beyond the ordinary mental consciousness and the confines of the physical, we can begin to see our unique connection and Oneness with the creative energy of life that goes far beyond what we can even comprehend.
We can connect with, honor, and celebrate the Divine Feminine, inviting the love, nurturing and transcendental consciousness of Divine Mother into our own lives.
The Divine Mother that is nurturing, compassion, tenderness, power, truth and grace.
The Divine Feminine energy, although still largely subjugated in its full expression on Earth, still shines brightly within us all.
The Divine Feminine that is the space for the Divine Masculine to provide and thrive.
The Divine Feminine that is the universal source of primordial energy, power, and creativity…⠀
That is understanding insight, intuition, creativity, forgiveness, healing, and wisdom.⠀
And so this Mother's Day.
There's a new opportunity, that really has been here all along.⠀
The opportunity to reconnect with the presence of the Divine Mother, and the Divine Feminine within, to bring the Feminine into perfect balance with the Divine Masculine. ⠀
Allowing the Divine Dance of Masculine and Feminine to be re-birthed together.⠀
For it is within the healed balance of Divine Mother and Divine Father, that the True Power of unconditional love lives.⠀
Just waiting to reconnect, embrace, love, provide for, and nurture us All.⠀
Here is a free channeled message from Mother Mary that will help you do just that!
Heart Healing Meditation with Mother Mary!
And so, this Mother's Day…
Honor your Mother in some way, the soul who said yes to bringing your soul to the planet.
But also, celebrate the light of the Divine Feminine, shining, and reemerging within you and within us all by clicking the link above and enjoying this free channeled transmission from Mother Mary.
And in this, begin to notice, and become aware of just how loved, blessed, and supported you really are.
Happy Mothers Day!
With love,
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