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Mother Mary Queen of Angels

The Ascended Virgin Mary

Mother Mary is the most well known woman in Catholicism, Christianity, and in the Islamic religion. Despite the debate as to whether she was really ‘The Virgin Mary' when giving birth to Jesus, she is greatly revered, and loved around the world, and for a good reason.

As a beautiful spiritual being and an ascended master of unconditional love and light, Mother Mary makes herself available to people of all religions, paths, and walks of life.

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I first encountered Mother Mary as ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe' who I saw represented in artwork while growing up in New Mexico. She later appeared to me energetically, while I was doing angel energy healing sessions, and it was here where I realized her incredible light, and healing presence.Virgin Mary

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Mother Mary is the spiritual being representing the Divine Mother. Just as she parented Jesus during her earthly life, she nurtures and guides our souls now to develop our inner Christ Light so that we may ascend, and brightly shine.

An ascended being in the realms of spirit, Mother Mary serves alongside Archangel Raphael on the fifth ray, overseeing healing, wholeness, clarity, music, truth and innovation.

Mother Mary is the epitome of nurturing energy, acceptance, unconditional love, and compassion. Her energy is incredibly uplifting and soothing, and she helps all who call upon her to feel loved, safe, and at peace.

mother maryMother Mary is also well know to be the Star of the Sea, or the protector of sailors, fisherman, and those living near the coast. I have recently had the pleasure of visiting several fishing villages in Costa Rica and Mexico, in which I have noticed a great deal of artwork honoring and invoking the love and protection of Mary the Queen of Angels.

Yes, Mary is know to be the Queen of Angels, which if you think about it in terms of Christ as being the King of Heaven, and his mother as the Queen, as was practiced for Thousands of years and referenced in countless ancient texts, (including the Bible and the Qur’an) it makes perfect sense.

But I don't want to get too caught up in religion here, because for me, my experience with Mother Mary has come completely independently of religion (although I respect all those who encounter her within).

Through one on one angel energy healing sessions, and now through the global lightwork, healing and clearing work I am doing, I am realizing just how available, powerful, and unlimited the energy healing broadcast from Mother Mary really is.

This beautiful ascended being who was the Virgin Mary, offers her reassurance to those who are troubled, she cares for each and every being alive on the planet, and even works to soothe and heal the Earth.

The unconditional love and light of Mother Mary is truly unlimited, and like the angels, she is able to assist and help all who call upon her simultaneously.

Mary is not a substitute for linking with the Divine, or for connecting directly with Source, God, and All That Is… But rather she serves those who feel unworthy to make this direct connection. She heals those who are disheartened and wounded, and offers love, guidance and healing, empowering us each to connect with our inner light and with the Divine.
Mother Mary is also a powerful archetype of the Divine Feminine, of carrying the inner Goddess power and being able to master love for self, as well as mastering nurturing, giving, and mentoring others.

mother maryYes, you are able to ground, lift, and directly connect with God and All That Is.

But there is also benefit in connecting with the immense love, guidance, and support of Mother Mary. Not to worship her, which she would never allow. But to tap into her uplifting energy, and her power, healing, mentoring, teaching, compassion, protection, and unconditional love.

Mother Mary is a highly evolved spiritual being, who has mastered each of her physical lives on Earth by choosing love. There is much we can learn from her as we advance forward on our individual ascension paths.

From her perspective, directly connected to the Divine and to All That Is, she can see what has been, what is and what will be, and can offer an illuminated perspective. Mother Mary is ever present and willing to help guide you in the direction of increased love, well being, and joy.

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Since you're reading this article, don't be surprised if you experience a connection with Mother Mary through your dreams, while praying, meditating, or while connecting with the healing and love of the angels.

To learn more about directly experiencing Mother Mary, click here to listen to a direct channeled messages with Mary, Queen of Angels.

With many blessings of love and gratitude,
Melanie Beckler

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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

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