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3 Soul Contracts You Agreed to Before You Were Born!

What Are Soul Contracts?

Soul contracts are the agreements made, at a soul level, prior to your birth. They are a part of the Divine Blueprint and plan for your incarnation into human form, and these contracts highlight the lessons, experiences, and even key soulmate relationships you will encounter in your lifetime.

Soul contracts are designed to help you grow and evolve as a spiritual being, and to connect you with the people, places, and experiences that will empower you as a soul, to learn lessons, gain experience, and ultimately lead a fulfilling life from your soul's perspective.

Learn more about your soul contracts, how to change and update them, and how to empower the Journey of Your Soul by Activating the Light and Soul Gifts from your Akashic Record in this powerful new online course and light activation:

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How Do Soul Contracts Work?

Before you were born, as a soul, you met with your guides and team in spirit to plan your life experience.

How Soul Contracts Work This pre-life planning is like a roundtable discussion where you look at your past lives, your past life relationships with other souls, and the themes and lessons you as a soul are exploring across several lifetimes.

In your pre-life planning, there are generally main objectives, missions, or purposes that are set for what you as a soul desire to learn and grow through. Your soul contracts will also take into account what karma you want to work through to help your soul grow. Sometimes an intense connection in your life is actually a karmic relationship that has been pre-planned through spiritual contracts to help two souls resolve past life conflicts or challenges.

What soul contracts are written prior to your birth takes into account the type of physical incarnation that will most support your soul to develop, grow, and gain realization within the physical world.

This planning process is very personal for you and involves pairing you with the right parents for your incarnation, as well as the potential for meeting twin flames, soul mates, romantic partners, and a key spiritual teacher who will support you in your journey.

Soul contracts affect your incarnation and are essentially the agreements that are made on a soul level of consciousness before you incarnate into a physical body. These contracts can detail all kinds of aspects of your life, including soulmate contracts, life-changing experiences, contracts with your parents, contracts with potential children, key negative experiences to empower your growth, potentials for your dharma, career, and soul work as well as your overall health, level of abundance, and potential for spiritual growth.

Is A Soul Contract Conscious or Unconscious?

Is A Soul Contract Conscious or Unconscious?

Most of the time, your soul contracts are held within the unconscious mind, so you may not even know that you have made them. However, they can reveal themselves when you start noticing the same relationship patterns or recognize the same life lessons playing out over and over again.

It is important to note that soul contracts are not set in stone. They can be renegotiated or you can break a soul contract if it no longer serves your highest good, or you consciously choose a different path for your life with your own free will while you are in the physical.

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That being said, here are three of the main soul contracts you agreed to before your present life.

3 Things You Agreed to Before Your Incarnation

Before your birth as a spiritual being incarnated into physical form, there are several things you had to agree to and allow before they could take place.

Here are those things you agreed to before you were born:


#1 – You Agreed to Be Here Now

The first thing that you agreed to before your birth was quite simply to be here now.

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You agreed to this as a spiritual being who was in the higher realms of Spirit, connected to divine intelligence, aware of the vast divine plan and the interconnectedness of all.

You agreed to pass through a veil of forgetfulness, the veil of illusion, in order to lower your consciousness down to incarnate as a physical being at this very time.

In other words, you incarnated with a knowing and understanding that you were entering into a world of duality, entering into a realm of separation.

You knew that there would be incredible challenges, hardships, and struggles for you to experience in your life, but you chose to incarnate anyway for the opportunity to grow and to remember.

Just because you lowered your consciousness down in order to incarnate as a physical being, this does not mean you can't remember.

In fact, a huge part of the greater mission and purpose for so many souls here at this very time – a time of great transformation and change, where humanity together is ascending into a higher state of consciousness – is that this time presents unprecedented opportunities for you to remember that divine intelligence, divine mind, and higher state of conscious awareness within your physical body.

Doing so requires building up the energetic centers of your psychic sense organs – the energetic centers of subtle perception. When you build and cultivate those centers as a physical being in this lifetime, that growth and development continues on within your soul.

That's why we see certain spiritual masters who come in with an ability to retain more of that direct connection with higher divine intelligence. It's because they've developed that in a previous lifetime.

You now likewise have the opportunity to develop and you take that growth forward with you at the level of your soul.

#2 – You Agreed to A Specific Purpose

3 Things You Agreed to Before You Were Born

You agreed to a specific mission and purpose and overarching reason for your life.

As a soul, you had a much broader view of the possibilities of your life experience. You were able to see how incarnating into your family dynamics in this tumultuous time would present you with certain key opportunities in order to develop your soul.

Yes, you might have also agreed to come at this point in time to work off past karma, overcome past challenges, learn and develop as a soul … but you also agreed to a certain mission and service that you would bring to humanity, to the collective consciousness, and to the greater all.

You chose to be here because you knew that you could make a difference. You knew that you could be a way shower and bring an energy of positive change and transformation to humanity and to the earth through your mission and purpose and reason for being here.

Prior to your birth, you agreed to that mission.

And, interestingly, you agreed from a place of expansive presence and direct union with the divine. It is as though you agreed to this mission and purpose from a state of divine intoxication – being completely intoxicated with love, with presence, with golden Christ light from that place of infinite possibility.

You signed up for a lot … for a big mission, for a big purpose, perhaps for big challenges in order to trigger your waking up, in order to ignite a sense of dissatisfaction with the status quo.

You are here to pave a new way forward for your benefit and for the benefit of all life.

When you begin to remember your soul purpose and why you're really here, you align with the path of your highest divine timeline.

This is the path that leads to your most vibrant life – to powerful soul growth and to levels of joy and fulfillment that are yours to claim.

They are your birthright, but you get to consciously choose them.

Discover your soul purpose here >> 

#3 – You Agreed to Co-Create Your Life Experience

The third thing you agreed to prior to incarnating in the physical was to be the co-creator of your life experience.

This concept has several layers.

Co-creating with the Infinite

First, you're co-creating your life with the universe, with God, with the higher divine intimacy.

Yes, you agreed to things happening in your life that were not consciously called forth by your lower consciousness.

These difficulties often include the challenges and traumas and struggles of physical reality. When they are happening, you may think, How could the divine allow this to happen to me?

In fact, you agreed to experience that challenge. On the other side of making it through that challenge, there is a depth and a richness of the soul.

While you don't get to choose from the level of your lower consciousness everything that comes into your life, you always have the choice as to how you respond. 

Based on your responses and reactions, the vibrational field of energy around you changes so that you're able to harmonize energetically with the highest divine possibilities for your life.

When you respond with frustration, with negativity, that changes what unfolds in response to that challenge.

But when you respond with love – when you respond to the challenge believing that there is simultaneously a greater reason, a blessing, a miracle just waiting to emerge – that changes your trajectory.

Through that response of love, of awareness, of optimism in the present moment, the path of your highest divine timeline for your soul growth is able to unfold.

Guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels

The second layer of this co-creating experience is that you agreed to be guided.

You agreed to the team in Spirit that would have your back, be your allies, and be your spiritual support.

There was an agreement – not just by you, but also from those guides – from your angels who agreed, before your birth, to support you.

You now have this opportunity to open that link, to open up to that channel of guidance, of divine intelligence that is available to guide you.

As you progress through this experience, if you would like support in opening those channels of intuitive perception.

Soul Agreements and Connections

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The third layer of co-creating your life experience is that you agreed to certain connections.

In other words, you agree to certain soul relationships that would come into your life.

Life is very much a single-player game. You're born into the world alone and you die alone. You also continue on into the afterlife journey alone.

But while you're here in the physical, so much growth … so much expansion and unity can be claimed through the relationships you have with others.

For many souls, there is the requirement to partner with others. Spirit and the angels want you to know that the people required for you to accomplish your soul purpose will line up in your life because you agreed to have that support.

You agreed to those soul connections, and they agreed to support and connect with you in this way as well.

Soul mates, soul groups, soul families, have a way of incarnating with each other in multiple timelines and throughout multiple lifetimes to have different opportunities to grow and evolve together as a soul group.
Those connections, which were planned prior to your birth, will unfold, but you have the choice as to how you respond to them.

It is your choice as to how you welcome them because this is a free-will universe and you agreed to co-create.

You agreed to choose your adventure, to choose how life unfolds for you.

This choosing does not take place from the level of your conscious mind, but from the level of your vibrational field, which is always changing and morphing, depending on how you think, how you act, and how you feel.

How to Identify Your Soul Contracts

Soul contracts affect so many areas of your life, and so identifying the contracts you have can greatly empower your spiritual journey, bring a great deal of inner peace, and immense joy in understanding, and even further empower your soul's growth. But identifying your soul contracts, held within the unconscious mind can be a challenging task.

Here are some ways to help you recognize your soul contracts:

Signs and Symbols

Awareness is the biggest key, and one way to begin expanding your awareness towards realizing the themes and contracts that underly your life experience is to pay attention to signs and symbols around you. These can come in many forms, such as through numerology or gematria, repetitive numbers, animal signs, and totems, or even through songs.

Observing the signs and symbols that are meaningful for you can help attune you to the messages from your spirit guides, and empower you to understand your soul contracts and the lessons you need to learn in this lifetime.

For example, if you keep seeing the number 11:11, it could be a sign that you are on the right path and that your spirit guides are with you. Or if you keep encountering a specific animal, such as a butterfly or a wolf, it could be a message about transformation or strength.


Intuition is often said to be the voice of your soul, guiding you toward your purpose and the lessons you need to learn in your life. Trusting your intuition can help you to recognize the patterns and synchronicities in your life that are related to your soul contracts. Intuition can also empower you to recognize the correct path for you and the relationships, and opportunities that are meant for you.

Intuition is innate, but accessing it can be developed. Pay attention to your gut feelings, instincts, and inner guidance … The more you observe and illuminate your thinking, the more you're able to distinguish between the voice of your soul and the voice of ego.



Meditation empowers you to connect with your higher self, soul, and your spirit guides, gaining clarity and insight into your purpose and path.

During meditation, focus on your intention to connect with your soul. Ask your spirit guides to show you any messages or signs related to your purpose and lessons. You may receive visions, feelings, or other intuitive insights that help you to understand your soul contracts more deeply.

Remember that identifying your soul contracts is an ongoing process, and it may take time and contemplation to understand them. Trust in the journey and have faith that your spirit guides are guiding you in the right direction.

Meditation is one of the most powerful ways to come back into alignment, sync, and harmony.

Meditation is the most powerful tool I know of in order to remember the truth of who you are.

It empowers you to connect with the different aspects of your soul’s purpose and mission and reason for being here, and to remember your power to consciously co-create an incredible life of rich growth, vibrant fulfillment, and incredible experiences.

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Hope this was helpful for you!

Melanie Beckler





about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

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  1. Hi , a friend and I were talking about how we would like a do-over, if my life now is filled with karma for something I did in the past then I must of been one horrible person, I haven’t had an ounce of happiness since I was born, I have been picked on and bullied all my life I choose the wrong partners that have made my life unbearable I’m 65 and does my life have to be so painful, I want to change my life path please or shorten it

    1. As it says in this article, how you react and respond is very important. Most of all how we think and how we view our lives and the experiences we have in them is crucial. Try to think more positive beautiful soul.

  2. Message for Melanie Beckler only
    Something doesn’t seem right
    Please contact me ASP
    You should recognize my name.
    %&#… Jeffrey

    1. Hi Jeffrey, thank you for your discernment. There are definitely spam accounts impersonating me and other spiritual creators … I did not personally message you.

      I hope this is helpful. Blessings

  3. Dear Sweet Melanie,
    You have done such an amazing job here delivering so much helpful information to all of us out here🙏🏼 This subject matter has been on my mind for years! It’s so comforting to hear your explanations of the whole process. I’ve heard others speak to this subject but only in little snippets without hardly any detail such as what you’ve provided here for us today. As always I so enjoy you angelic presence and the inspirational information you so freely share🙏🏼
    With Much Love, Many Blessings and Deep Gratitude💖✨🙏🏼

  4. This was so informative and hopefully will help me to reach myself on that soul lvl. Tyvm4sharing ur insights into this. 💙

  5. Hi, my questions are where did the meeting took place? why was the meeting necessary, who was present in the meeting? why did I agree to a stupid life? can I change the agreement now? why did I forget about the contract?

    1. Thank you for the questions … I’m updating the post with some more details!

      And … the meeting with your guides took place in Spirit, its very esoteric to get specific about where, though some teachings say within the Sun, or the sling between dimensions …

      You forget because the meeting took place on the other side of the veil of illusion, and the contract is now in the unconscious mind…

      But yes, you can intuitively remember the details … and yes the contract can change.

  6. I would Like to say thank you, for sharing this information.
    I now realize all of this is very true.
    Beginning of this year I began receiving visions & psychic abilities. I’m still very new to it all.
    I have always been spiritual.

  7. Melanie right now you are helping me connect with many people who are waking up with what is happening right now in this reality, now I really must connect with my guides to remember my purpose here . Bless you melanie and thanks

  8. So much to contemplate, and to say, but I will try keep it short. Thankyou for reminding me, about my soul contracts. I feel that this is true for me, tho I'm questioning whether it's true for every human being on earth. When u say that we all come from a higher place, (and agreed to come at this time etc),and it is to bring light to the world or change things for the it true even of people who r 'evil', (say Hitler as an extreme
    example),..or was it true for them, but they lost their way?
    Also, when say we r alone…I thought we meet loved ones in the 'afterlife',( i mean that seems to be alot if people's experience…or knowledge.)…isn't it just during the actual birth, and death processes that we r alone. And what r ur thoughts about whether some people go to something like a 'hell'..or at least a 'limbo' place.?
    I'd be grateful for ur insight.
    God bless.

  9. I don’t know why it happened but just as my psychic skills sharpened, I became aphantasic. I cannot imagine any more. I was clairscentiac but now nothing comes. I have asked for a different gift and nothing. Now when I close my eyes, even in bright sunshine, I see black. I cannot visualize ANYTHING

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