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Pink Full Moon Spiritual Meaning 🌕✨

The Pink Full Moon is a name used to describe the Full Moon that rises in the month of April.

This name, and other names for the Full Moon like the Wolf Full Moon, or Worm Full Moon, originates from Native American traditions of naming full moons based on natural phenomena and seasonal changes. According to the Maine Farmers' Almanac, which began publishing Native American names for full moons in the 1930s, the Full moon in April is the Pink Full Moon.

It's not named the "Pink Full Moon" because the Moon will look Pink in the sky (though honestly, yesterday evening as the almost Full Moon was rising here in Sedona, it did look very pink here to me here!)... 

Rather than referencing the color of the actual Full Moon, the name references the Pink Flowers of Spring which are starting to pop up in many places in the Northern Hemisphere now.

I found the first Pink cactus flowers in Sedona over the weekend!

Pink cactus flowers are not the traditional flowers associated with the Pink Full Moon though, which holds a special connection to the delicate and vibrant phlox flowers that bloom during this time of year, signifying the arrival of Spring, and the spirit of renewal. 

The phlox flowers, with their ethereal beauty and fragrant presence, serve as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness between nature and the celestial cycles. This time of year offers an opportunity for reflection, growth, and embracing the transformative energy that the Pink Full Moon and the blooming phlox represent.

Pink Full Moon Spiritual Meaning

Flowers are such a beautiful spiritual symbol representing the blossoming of spiritual awareness.

They are often seen as symbols of beauty, purity, and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. In many spiritual traditions, flowers are associated with growth, renewal, and the interconnectedness of all living things. They can also symbolize love, compassion, and the ephemeral nature of existence.

This theme of emerging Pink Flowers is perfectly fitting for the energies now as we're supported by Spirit in becoming aware of what is limiting or blocking us from blossoming into greater Truth and Alignment with our Highest Self.

The energy of the Full Moon offers a unique and potent energy for transformation.

Tonight/ tomorrow is the perfect time for a little ceremony of consciously releasing what is no longer serving as you call forth a greater alignment with the truth and soul brilliance available to you. 

Enter your email address below for a FREE Full Moon Ritual eBook and Discover How to Manifest Your Deepest Desires with the Power of the Full Moon.

Free eBook Shows You How to Manifest More Love, Money, Success With The Power of the Full Moon.

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What are you consciously calling forth in your life and what can you now shift to come into greater resonance and harmony with what you truly desire?

Full Moon Manifestation

If you want to experience the power of attracting your desires faster and more gracefully than ever before…

Becoming conscious of the Full Moon's energy, and the cyclical nature of energies related to the Lunar Cycle is key.

You should be able to use the Full Moon energies to consciously Attract More Love, Money, Success, whatever you desire in your life. That’s why I’ve spend years learning and teaching about how to work within energetic cycles. So you can claim for yourself the unique & powerful ways to harness the incredible magic of a Full Moon.

Are you ready to more effectively magnetize your desires by simply becoming even conscious of how the moons energetic movement impacts your energy, awareness, and life?

There are 3 main ways to attune yourself to the energetic opportunity that happens around the Full Moon to tap into the power: Meditation, Full Moon Ritual, and Divination.

Our Manifesting with the Moon Meditations teach you to manifest with the Full Moon to become More Magnetic to What You Want. Our Full Moon Ritual eBook teaches you to leverage Full Moon energy to Attract More Love, Money, Success, Effortlessly. Finally, you can claim your Free Personalized Moon Reading for deep insights into your purpose, emotions, strengths, as well as your shortcomings and potentials.

Humanity has long held a fascination with the Moon. The Moon is, of course, the closest celestial body to Earth, and regardless of speculations as to its true origin, its gravitational pull and energy has long been known to have an impact on everything from the Oceans tides, farming and fishing practices, to personal moods, energy levels, and manifestation results.

While each phase of the Lunar Cycle carries a unique energetic significance, the moons energy is by far the most noticeable around the time of the Full Moon.

To make the most of this Full Moon, click on the buttons above and begin exploring how to tap in to the power on and around this time.

The Full Moon is a high energy time, so it presents a unique window of opportunity for raising your vibrational frequency and attracting more of what you desire into your life. 

All the potential is here for you, its just up to you to tune in!   

What People Have Said About The Full Moon Meditations

"💜🙏😇💜 Truly spectacular and Divine!! I'm still floating!!! Thank you Melanie for your best meditation and healing connection ever!! I am truly blessed!!! So much Love to you and to All!!!" - Cheryl

"This feels sooooo good!!! Thank you! Bless you!" - Cindy 

"So delighted that I was guided to repeat this Full Moon meditation. I feel as though I have just received a deep massage, cleanse and re-boot. My crown chakra is still buzzing. Perfect for the coming Full Moon. Thank you." -Jennie

"Wow! So much light!" -Judith

Supercharge Your Intentions with the Full Moon Meditations!

SUPER-CHARGE Your Full Moon Intentions and Tap Into Potent Spiritual Energy Present Around The Full Moon With These Powerful Meditations By Internationally Renowned Channel & Energy Healer, Melanie Beckler

There’s zero risk for you because the “Manifesting with the Moon” Full Moon Meditations are backed by a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Click the yellow button above to learn more and get started now!

about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership.

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