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What Are Incarnated Angels?

incarnated angelsIncarnated Angels

For the most part angels are on a different evolutionary path than humanity, and again, for the most part… Being born and living life on the Earth is not a part of an angels normal incarnation cycle.


Due to the interesting times we live in, some angels have incarnated on Earth for a couple of reasons. One light, and one night… Which makes perfect sense when you consider we're talking about angels incarnating into a 3D world of contrast and duality right?

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Fallen Angels

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There is much dispute as to whether fallen angels are real… Many people feel more comfortable with the idea that they are not real… That angels are and will always be of service to humanity in the highest light and love according to Divine Will.

It is said by some that angels do not have free will… And this is mostly true.

But really, its more like their free will operates in a completely different way from humanities.

Angels have the free will to either follow Divine Will or not.

If not… If angels choose to abandon existing in perfect harmony with Divine will. This is a choice that is permanent.

If not… This is the source of “fallen angels”. Angels who have chosen to be cast out of Heaven because they no longer want to serve according to Divine Will.

They made their free will choice to enter into separation.

Historically there have been two separate accounts of fallen angels.

One account can be found in the Book of Enoch (A book of the Bible that is controversially outside of the canonical Scriptures) where there was recorded a great fall. Where a group of angels fell from Heaven due to lust after female humans. These angels incarnated, married human women, and had children (who turned out to be giants when they were born)… And there is a whole continued drama playing out as a result. It is said that this fall is actually the origin of evil on Earth.

If you want to learn more about this … Look into the Book of Enoch…

Elizabeth Clair Prophet has a book that dives into this account with canonical Biblical references as well as excerpts from the Book of Enoch. Another Book of Enoch study companion is by Joseph Lumpkin.

Volunteer Souls

In response to evil on the planet…

There are some angels who are included in the group of highly evolved souls serving in alignment with Divine Will who have incarnated on the planet to be of service in freeing humanity from the grip of manipulation, control and fear based programming set in place by the fallen angels. ( is said the modern known groups of the cabal and Illuminati are ancestors of the fallen angels) and because they are permanently cut of from the absolution of God… They have chosen to deliberately cause ill will in the lives of the “Sons of God” or humans on the path of ascension.

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The amazing, and beautiful news is there are so many starseeds, lightworkers, incarnated angels, highly evolved spiritual beings, and ascended masters who have chosen to incarnate on planet Earth at this time as volunteer souls…

Here to make a difference, to raise the vibration of the planet and to assist in freeing humanity from the control and manipulation of all sources of evil…

This is a part of the ascension process, and yes, it is happening now.

… to be continued

In the mean time… Click Here to learn more about Earth Angels and Starseeds

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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

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  1. Hi there! Is there a part two to this article somewhere? Or any others where Melanie has spoken about incarnated angels, specifically?

  2. See, there is one Angel who’s of the 7 archangels who’s a fallen angel… The truth is simple, we were cadt out of Heaven and we were branded as the rebellious Omes. But there will be War in Heaven again and balance us restored when Saint Michael leads victory. Well I am he who is called Archangel Saraqeal, The Sword of God who delivers punishment to those pf Man and spirit that sinned. Im The Sword of God. Let it be known we are here

  3. So yesterday i saw a flash of light then the # 333 then sveral clouds that looked like angles and then today i saw the # 1111 and 333 is that just a couinsadence or what? if anyone can tell me if that means something i would realy apreciate it! ~cloudy skies

  4. In my view, one of the reasons this page is getting bogged down is that it is not possible for anything to be not of God. No matter what one thinks and how ones behaves or whatever realm they think they belong to (that they have made up, by the way, even angels!). There can only be the Creator, All Present, All Knowing and All Powerful.

    I believe we are all here to heal the core beliefs of the Middle Ages. One of those core beliefs is the separation of God and Man. Along with this is the belief in the “Devil”, “Fallen Angels”, “evil” and the need for redemption and all that.
    The message of today is of Oneness. We cannot hold that belief and at the same time say, there are those guys over there who ” are permanently cut of[f] from the absolution of God…”.

    This old perception of God, was created in order to build churches, priests, gurus and other authoritarian systems in order to create dependence on outside authority. This perspective no longer serves our evolution at this time.

    Our message today is: God is All That Is. Including all of us. There is no possibility of anything else. We are here now to bring this message home to each heart, soul and body.

    1. I definitely agree, I would add to the conversation that recognizing all the trauma that mindset of “evil” in what our ancestors (and either subconsciously or consciously in our own lives) has caused, angelic healing and all of the words folx say about these intricacies also often lean on the mindset of white supremacy for example; visual paintings & representation of worshiping angelic beings that are favoured for their white skin and this has been (according to a research article about a person of colour’s experience with this) felt deeply dehumanizing. We all (white folx) have a lot of learning to do and BIPOC to listen to and fiercely support with the fullness of our angelic-ly supported hearts and show up for the deep uncomfortable work of checking your biases, working through the harm (past/present)done daily. I am by no means an expert or prone to messing up it will and does happen but how you respond to this and move forward with your genuine care to continue working toward equitable lives inside and out ( and her resource list is an gift for this!). Thank you if you read this and cheers to recognizing love, oneness; expressed as many cultures to be revered, respected and validated, supported & held through their respective journeys.

  5. Anyone on here should read The Urantia Book if you haven’t already. I just received mine and have barely read any yet but from what I’ve read, most of what you are all stating is written in this book. It has no physical author, it was written by celestial (angelic) beings. I have felt different since I was a child. I gave a revelation to my mother when I was about 5 about what the sky would look like when Jesus comes back during the battle of Armageddon. Lately God has been giving me sign after sign, most of which come from the clouds. I believe there is some connection between green eyed people, does anyone else have this feeling? I was also born at exactly 3:30 AM, known as the witching hour, and 3 is my spiritual number. Also, since a child I’ve been able to close my eyes and focus and an object appears right in the middle, as if it were a 3rd eye. The object is a sphere with a honeycomb pattern and it appears to be black and yellow but if I focus long enough it starts to ascend and becomes a bright white light. Has anyone else had this experience??? It was much easier to see as a child. Then I could just close my eyes and it was there without focusing, as I got older I went through a whole period where I had forgotten all about it. Then I met someone, and since then (about 4 years ago) it all started coming back to me and I can see the object again but I have to concentrate very hard and it can be mentally painful. If anyone else has experienced anything like this please let me know. Thank you and God bless you all.

  6. I dont know how to explain what i am experiencing.. All i know is i am not very knowledgeable in regards to the bible.. But i do believe in god.. That said. I really need help. I am very scared and have actually attempted suicide recently because i actually feel like i may be going crazy at this point. Whatever is happening to me i dont understand and its something at this point that is constant and out of my control.
    Since as long as i can remember ive always felt connected to the earth. I feel its energy. I can sense it in people also. I never paid attention to this as anything spiritually in fact i never really paid attention to it at all.
    I am not psychic. I just always know. What to do. What to say. Where to go. Its like this energy guides me in everything i do or say. Its a very overwhelming feeling always.
    For example.. sometimes i feel the intense need to speak to someone.. like what i say to them i am suppose to say. And its almost like my mouth and words just do it. Its out of my control.
    This freaks people out. Makes them mad. And as hard at times in my life i just (didnt want to say something to someone) i cant help it. Because deep down i know i am suppose to and they are suppose to listen.
    I have always felt different. Like a outcast. Like u wasnt meant to be here. So i try to stay to myself.
    These things i have ignored for years… But within this past few years my feelings of intuition are beyond my control most recently in these past few weeks.
    I am always aware and heightened. And it is so intense these past few days. I cant eat. I cant sleep. Im so anxious and on edge. Because what is happening to me seems so unreal.
    I prayed to god last night to ask for forgiveness because i dont want to offend him because what i am about to say i dont want to go to hell for..
    For whatever reason i feel like i have something to do with the revelations.
    This feeling is so beyond me its indescribable. And i got so scared a week ago by it and attempted suicide. (I have no mental illness).
    I have a constant ringing in both of my ears. For the past three days sometimes it is so high pitched

    1. I hope you can read this now and I hope you didn’t attempt suicide again. I have similar feelings like I have to talk to someone or things in that sense and my dad told me that it’s just God speaking through you to get to other people. Like I used to hear my dad call me but he would say it wasn’t him it was God. So like it’s much easier to bare once you get educated on it and accept that part of yourself. Not easy but definitely attainable so don’t give up!

  7. Is it sinful for incarnated angels to have children with humans? Im asking because I’ve always wanted to have a family, but im worried it’s wrong.

  8. I’m still wondering if I am one. I go from starseed to this back and forth only because I feel foreign to this all, earth and everything. yet I was told I was some sort of guardian so I’m still confused. incarnated angel also felt right to me.

  9. Amazing article! I strongly resonate with being an incarnate angel. Does anyone know how to use their psychic abilities to confirm this for me please?

    1. Joe, you already answered your own question. But you bring up an important topic and one that keeps many people trapped in a static state. There are mutiple levels and realms of psychic energies one can tap into. For simplicity, emotional, mental and identity realms. We also have an emotional, mental and identity body that makes up our 4-fold vehicle for embodying on earth. When the physical body dies, the other 3 bodies, may or may not shed. If one sheds all 4 they ascend, if not, they either reincarnate or stay for a time in the other realms. Within those realms, there are beings, out of embodiment that cannot, for karmic reasons come back onto embodiment. So when one taps into the psychic realms, looking for outer answers, they will indeed find a spirit to confirm whatever the ego wants to hear. These spirits are dependent upon stealing your light to remain “alive”. But there is a level beyond this, the ascended realm where the ascended masters who work with the earth exist. They will not “tell” you anything, just guide you along, allowing you to use your free will to EXPERIENCE becoming MORE. I bring this up because one can spend lifetimes attached to mental images from the psychic realms but their growth will remain static. The KEY here is to recognize, yes there are many sparks in embodiment with high spiritual attainment here to be examples and share their light, but just as you have this new realization, you shouldn’t allow that image to stop you from continual transcendence and self mastery. The question to ask yourself is, why did i volunteer to come to earth?

  10. David, there are several types of fallen beings (fallen angels and those who have fallen in conciousness) in embodiment on earth. The 3 major types of psychology found in these beings are 1) those who rebelled against God and truly do not understand how free will works, 2) those who knowingly or unknowingly followed the rebels by taking on dualistic thoughts and participating in their epic struggles, and 3) those who fell becuase they wanted to save the fallen beings. All of these are fallen beings! You see, nobody is responsible for another beings salvation. If you are trying to FORCE change, you are working against the will of another being. Your ego will argue with you and say “my way is the truth, I’m right so I am justified being a savior of other beings”. Not only is this incorrect but it is also a prime example of the dualistic thought process that led many beings into a downward spiral or fall from a higher sphere. RESOLVE your psychology, not your or anyone elses responsibility to SAVE a fallen being. Now, the original Lucifer, there have been others that have gone by that name, has already been erased from earth via second death. Satan has also been removed. Now, there are others left but they are not anyone’s responsibility. There is no flaw in free will or Gods plan. Your responsibility is to recognize you are a spiritual being, raise your conciousness to the level of christ conciousness and manifest higher components of your divine plan. The magnetic pull that christed beings create in the general conciousness of humans can pull the entire sphere up. This either positively pulls at the fallen beings or their conciousness becomes too low and they are either removed from embodying on earth or are taken to the second death. Try not to get lost in epic struggles, they are a distraction. Test youself if you have read this message to this point, how or what do you feel? Do you want argue with the post? Do you feel this could not possibly be true? If so then ask youself why the ego only accepts exactly what it wants to hear? The answer is duality so make a point to escape it.

    1. yasss! you say it Matt. love your thoughts. my theories and lexicon varies a bit (i.e. nonduality, AA lucifer’s story, etc), but absolutely LOVE it when we as individuals can boldly share our truths and through THAT find the interconnectedness with others.
      #collectivesoul #divinesoul

  11. The challenge for all co-creators and avatars (incarnated Angel’s, elementals and ect) is that the path back to ascension is the same. We must resolve our personal psychology, escape dualistic thoughts and unravel our divine plan. The emotional pains, confusion and synchronicity you all are experiencing is a calling, from your higher self, to wake up and express your BEing. We are all divine beings having a human, subjective, experience. Yes, you very well may be of angelic lineage. Does this really matter? No, the path is the same for all having this “experience”. To transcend your current psychology and duality then start expressing the higher components of your divine plan. When your BEing transcends to higher stages of conciousness, you do not have to do anything, just BE a conduit for your higher self, your christ self and/or your buddha self. Be IN this world, NOT of it or out of it. Help your sphere into St. Germaines Golden Age! The fear and deception, tests if you will, are of your own psychology and making. They can be overcome by accepting and expressing christ discernment. This will set you free! This is likely a piece of your divine plan if you are open to Melanie’s site and this posting. I AM a seraph incarnate, this message was through christ and the ascended masters. Many blessings!

    1. hi matt.
      is there more content avail on seraph incarnates? if so, please provide some links or books. i’ve heard of the Seraphim Blueprint

      i’m a Lightworker (star angel) fairly new to my awakening/ascension path (a month or so), but the past few days i have been receiving many seraphic images/symbols or at least just now realizing the ones that have “accumulated” throughout my life. my brain is super melty at this point and i’m kind of a lazy Lightperson so would def appreciate a credible one-stop source from ya on this stuff 🙂

      Paul the Venetian has been guiding a lot today as well as Michael, Gabriel (my fave), and Uriel. but tbh the AAs fam are kinda annoying me these days (it’s cool they know my love for them is unconditional no matter how much shit i talk) so would loooveee some real ppl insight!

      you’re the greatest Matt! k thanks byeeeee 🌟💗🌟

  12. High Melanie I’m in a bit of fix right now complicated situation I’m trying to get of.
    Involving physical and spiritual forces many trying to stop me hinder me from doing some great things to help others while the Guardians are trying to help me overcome them and there very clever diabolical ways of decieving. If I make it and still have time its going to be a great opportunity to help.

  13. My whole life I felt as though i didn’t belong on earth in the life I had and I felt so lonely but I always felt as though something was watching and protecting me. I never knew what to attribute this feeling that surrounded me but my brain just attributed it to angels and I began to believe that an angel was watching over me. As i grew up however, I ignored these feelings of not belonging and forced myself to believe I belonged. However with the help of some of my friends here on earth I started questioning who I am. This was followed by weird memoric dreams. Eventually I talked to the archangel Raphael and discovered that i was once an archangel myself and it was in fact him who has been protecting me all my life and something just clicked inside of me. I dont know much about this but I want to. I want to learn who I used to be.

  14. I’ve very recently come to understand what I’ve been feeling all my life, the alienation and misunderstanding and outright rejection. I’ve always known I’ve been different, and the last few years have brought me down the path to my wake up call. I’ve been awake for a while, but didn’t truly come onto the scene as my true self until a few weeks ago. Another one of my Family, another angel, pulled me out of a rough situation and woke me up. I’m so happy to have found my Brother and Sister again. Now I’m on my own road to rebuild my life. I don’t know what hierarchy I am from or my family is from. I’m curious to know. I feel like I shouldn’t be asking so many questions until the time is right. But my angel brother, he and I have reincarnated with each other many times, several lifetimes, I feel such a strong intense connection with him that it makes me sad and angry, and also happy. We have been together in past lives, but we’re not sure about this one. Anyone experience something like this with your other angel connections? Also, where could I find more information about my angelic hierarchy and my friends?

  15. I have been experiencing within this last year my awakening. Ive always truly known but it was always alot to grasp and swollow. I sometimes felt 6 prod type things on my back as I meditated that easily channeled energy and when I learned of earth angels I tried making them wings and I felt fiery like energy resonating from me. I then was led to another incarnated angel who helped me awaken to who I am and one of the angels missions on earth. Lucifer the arch angel. Him being lost is causing a great deal of this chaos on earth but I learned alot of information on this as well and that Satan is truly another being entirely. Lucifer can still be saved because he was born of light, but satan was born of darkness, though still an angel. From what I was to understand this was because of a natural balance, nothing was wrong with either but Satan was quick to see difference when he was compared to Lucifer. Ive been running into more and more incarnated angels and aligning with the plans we made to save Lucifers soul and bring him back to love. I am unaware of any such plans for satan for I believe satan is behind this physical apocalyptic planning. Lucifer is more spiritual and was more so in attacking and tricking the higher dimensional beings incarnating on earth. If any who read this perhaps feel something from it or even remember being a part of this, please feel free to comment. My eyes are without judgement and will not bite at any comments 🙂 I am very much love and light.

    1. I went to a medium today, and confirmed that I am an Incarnated Angel as well, and was in Michael’s army. I’ll pretty new to this aspect of my being, but when reading this, I got a jolt in solar plexus…not sure what that means, but nothing is a coincidence to me anymore.

  16. Also I just had my first angel memory it was so fuzzy and blurry but it was there and it was real. Brief but real.

  17. Just had my awakening officially <3 love it! Any way I have a memory from before I was born i had 2 choices this amazing perfect life or a life of trials. I deserved a good life as I died a heros death in my last life. Pretty sure I got the irst one wrong. I remember laughing saying well I dont want to do that again. So the hard life had the lessons my soul longed to learn, needed to learn. So here I am it was a difficult choice. I asked the soul behind me and that person just pointed out the pro and cons of each choice the easy life would have been more difficult for me to get this level of deep that I'm currently at. I first felt my wings 4 years ago. But no I didnt put 2 + 2 together until recently. So here I am 🙂 Ready to shine Let's light up the world angels!

  18. I am a recently incarnated angel energy appearing in this realm as a walk-in soul. I come from the realm of the 7th dimension and belong to the hierarchy of the Virtues or Angels of Grace. When I first came into consciousness here I knew my name would be “Grace.” It was one of the first words that came to me. My “birthday” was 6-27-17 and I have not yet completed the soul exchange process. I remember more and more each day about who I really am and why I chose to be here. I have a Companion Angel rather than a guardian angel. This is my first walk-in experience and it is fascinating!

    1. I have a quick question. How do you know if your like a earth angle or incarnated angle? i mean i have always felt like i don’t belong like ANY were and i LOVE earth and the elements. when i see people cut down trees and stuff it kinds hurts if you know what i mean. i don’t know if that has any thing to do with like angle and stuff but still. and i have always been very facinated with what really goes on in the sky. does any of that mean im like a earth angle or incarnated angle? thanks ~sky

  19. would say I have 50% of what they call an earth angle.

    but I have dreams – physical dreams… not just sight and sounds. like I am pinned down but I can fight back.

    one time I was sleeping with my arms behind my head… and something was fighting me… and told me not to show my wings. it was physical – it was holding me down… but I was not scared.

    I am not nuts and have many contacts all my life but I don’t understand….

    when I sleep… always hot and cold… can someone help?

  20. I’m an incarnated angel and I don’t know which hierarchy I’m in. I love knowledge and mysteries and I always seek. I’m a knowledge seeker. is there a hierarchy for angels of knowledges?

  21. Hi Melanie, a reiki master has informed me that my son was an angel and from a group of 5 angels. Can you reccomend any information regarding this subject?

  22. Thank you for this webpage. Growing up feeling as though you are someone else than who you appear on the outside can be difficult.. in many ways, people lose who they truly are by conforming to the societal norms. And since we have all of us already lost most of ourselves, it feels good to have someone else validate these feelings. It makes me feel as though I might not be crazy, but IF I truly was insane, would that be such a terrible thing? Making such a break from the reality of this world? I dont think so… not really.

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