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Autumn Poem Inspired By The Fourth of July Trail in New Mexico

An Autumn Poem By Melanie Beckler

While hiking on the Fourth of July Trail in New Mexico…

The fall colors were truly spectacular.

I took a while to sit and meditate to simply enjoy the peace and blissfulness of the forest around me…

And from this place, I was inspired with this autumn poem…


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The Spiritual Wisdom of Autumn

An Autumn Poem Inspired by New Mexico The deep spiritual wisdom of the Earth is so readily available to be seen in the fall

Where in a final surge of life and celebration of color

Every leaf is transformed

Into a beautiful flower

Before releasing

As the tree lets go of all that it has been

And all that it is

To dive inward

Into the void

Into the stillness

Into the depths within

To finally in the springtime be reborn

To once again reach up towards the light

In new growth and new beginnings

To embrace the Earth

To embrace the Divine, Light, and Life

And once again embody it's full authenticity

All that it is

As a reminder for us each

To embrace and embody all that we are.

Melanie Beckler



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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

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  1. Many years ago I made a tour in New England to see the Autumn Foliage, it was beautiful!
    Loved your poem and your video! I love you and am thanful for such inspiring Angels messages!

  2. Beautiful, you so well captured the complete rainbow of color and the music just added s sense of wonder, there is a song in that piece.

    Thanks for sharing and caring love and light xx

  3. Beautiful poem and gorgeous location to go with the beautiful words. Very peaceful location and colors and wind blowing through the trees leaves for a lovely meditation. Video was put together very well.
    Sure makes me miss New Mexico, I used to live there.
    Thank you very much!

    1. That was really exquisitely beautiful and special, Melanie! I can see why those resplendent autumn hues and forest grandeur made you feel so inspired!!! But what really moved me the most was hearing your words, as read your poem out loud. There is such a deep, soulful, magical quality to your voice that it infuses your words with Light and Divine Energy from The Beyond. You are truly a flute through which the Angels can play their heavenly music. THANK YOU for sharing your gifts so abundantly – and today, for this beautiful, inspirational poem-video, with its deep wisdom that evokes such joy, wonder, hope and a heartfelt sense of eternal renewal. Your channeled Angel messages and meditations are deeply cherished and valued by me, too; they are so uplifting and provide such a direct link to all that is Good and Pure and of the Light. Angel blessing upon you – today and always! In Love & Light, Frankie

  4. That was beautiful Melanie. The observations about the trees were amazing. No wonder you were so inspired as the colours were glorious and I thought the pan pipes were perfect . Awesome flming too xx

  5. I truly enjoyed your poem. It is beautiful, inspiring and uplifting. Thanks so much for sharing! Words of wisdom!

  6. This to me is the most spectacular time of the year for me…I feel most comfortable, my favorite colours are the colours of fall…my birthday is around when fall begins…I feel like I’m sitting right at the top…

  7. In true Melanie style….simple, beautiful, inspired and inspiring…Thank you for caring and thank you for sharing! 🙂

  8. The poem figure out each life giving hope. That in every sorrows there is Joy. It’s a message about life.

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