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Archangel Michael Prayer

Invoke the Guidance and Protection of Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is a powerful spiritual being of unconditional love and light. He is the most well known Archangel in the world, as his name is mentioned in the Bible, the Torah, and the Qur'an…

In each of these sacred religious texts he is referred to as a leading Archangel who fights evil, while also acting as a Divine messenger, and protector.

Although Michael is mentioned in these three major religions, his presence and support for humanity transcends any one religion, as well as time, and space.

Archangel Michael is well known to offer his assistance with matters of protection, integrity, courage, truth, strength, gaining clarity, making life changes, and more!

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Archangel Michael is the easiest Archangel to hear and connect with, and he is always ready, able, and willing to assist all who call upon him.

You don't need a formal prayer or invocation to align with the help of Archangel Michael, you can simply think or say… “Archangel Michael connect with me now” or “Archangel Michael protect me now”…

I have however been guided to offer this Archangel Michael prayer for those who would like a little more guidance in making the link with Archangel Michael. Practice calling in Archangel Michael, and rephrase this prayer to make it your own. Honestly, it's not so much a prayer as it is an invocation. It's a simple way you can invite the angelic assistance of Michael into your life.

If there is a specific area of your life you would like help with… Just add in “Archangel Michael please help me with ____________”. Don't specify exactly how you would like the help to appear, but rather be open to the specifics of how the angelic assistance comes into being.

Once connected, Archangel Michael communicates clearly and precisely to help bring you into alignment with Divine love, and with your highest and greatest good. He will also delegate tasks to other angels to accomplish the Divine will.

Archangel Michael Prayer

Archangel Michael Prayer

Prefer to listen to the prayer?

Right click the following link to save the audio file of the Archangel Michael prayer to your computer
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If you like this Guided Audio Angel Message with Archangel Michael, you may want to Click Here for more Meditations With Archangel Michael

Below, you can read the Archangel Michael Prayer, or scroll down to the bottom of the page to view it as a video slide-show.

Directly connected to the Divine, and to All That Is, I now call upon Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael, please come in and connect with me now. I ask that you protect me, uplift me and inspire me to live in alignment with my highest and greatest good.

archangel michael Surround me with your wings of love and stand before me blessing my energy with your angelic qualities of strength, courage, and truth.

Please clear my energy and vibration, completely releasing any and all negative energy, limiting beliefs, fears, illusions, and negative energetic imprints present in my energy and physical being…

Please release anything that is blocking me from fully and completely experiencing the love and light present in every moment.

Release all that no longer serves me into the light of the Divine, and fill the void with unconditional love, light and compassion.

Archangel Michael, I ask that you use your sword of light to cut away any and all doubt, fear, guilt, or negativity which is around me.

Cut any and all cords which are draining my energy and vitality across the lines of time, and assist me in reintegrating my light and personal power which has been drained, back into my being now.

Please guide me on my path and help me to accomplish my authentic purpose, according to Divine will, for the highest and greatest good, and so it is.

Thank you.


Remember to Ask for Assistance!

Archangel Michael is more than happy to assist you in all matters, in any moment, but he will honor your free will and will not interfere (except in critical life or death situations) without your express permission.

Invite Archangel Michael into your life, and he will help empower you to live in love, confidently moving into the direction of your dreams.

With love, light, and gratitude, 


For more information on Archangel Michael, and to listen to direct channeled messages with this powerful Archangelic being, CLICK HERE!

Invoke Archangel Michael, by listening to this Prayer on YouTube!


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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership.

Want a free guided .mp3 angel meditation by Melanie? Click Here For A Free Angel Message Channeled By Melanie!

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  1. Very calm voice is yours. Feeling very relaxed after lessening ur guided meditation.
    Please make archangel chamuel meditation for find lost or misplaced things..
    Love u dear. U r angel for me .

  2. I hereby offer my grattitude and thank you, beloved brother for protecting this world from the devil. May God rebuke him. Amen.

  3. Archangel please help me to overcome fear, anxiety, stress and financial problems. Be with me and my family, bring your host of angels along with the white light and shield me from all harms and dangers and evil influences. help me and use your sword of protection to us and have unity in my family.

    Thank you Archangel for helping me.

  4. This is divine…and came just when I was thinking about a suitable evening ritual.
    Thank you so much for everything you do!

  5. Dear Archangel Michael Reunite Bobby & I In A Lasting, Loving, Understanding Deeply Caring Relationship For All of our Lives Removing All Darkness, Barriers, Obstacles, Mental, Physical & Emotional Distance Between My Sweet Beloved-Bobby & I. Bless & Thank You Dear Archangel Michael

  6. Wow! Super powerful prayer. Love the Audio. Thank you. Your voice is so relaxing, I can tell you are a great Light worker. Thanks for sharing your gifts to the masses.

  7. I am in emotional turmoil and have turned to archangel Michael for assistance and I get signs although is there anything you can see that I may not be seeing? Please I’d appreciate ur assistance.

  8. Hope it works. I have a negative energy keeps giving me headaches feels as it touches me. Think it’s trying to communicate with me God didn’t give me that gift (Thank God) Asked the Archangel to release it from me take him/her where it needs to go. Headache passed.

  9. Dear miss melani i have this problem this whole there this pyn between my heart and back oh i cant not sleep at because i stay alone with my dog it like a wind inside of somebody say like will send me illness the anther day some the pyn is im the middel of my head also please help me dearest melani god bless thank you.

  10. May the Good Lord our God bless you and your family and your ministry as well.Thank you so much Melanie for giving me so much help towards my well being.I am faithfully listening every night of your meditation you shared and keeps me moving on to my life purpose.I am still continue to Gods love present in me….Thank you so much sister Melanie…Soon i will contribute in your mission work.May God bless you and your family always??

  11. Archangel Michael, please watch over & protect my family. I need your help now & I’m so grateful for it. Thank you.

  12. (Archangel Michael Prayer.) St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in our battle against Principalities and power. Against the ruler of this world of darkness. Come to the assistance of men whom God has created to His own likeness. Who He has redeemed at a great price from the trinity of the devil.Holy Church venerate you as a Guardian and Protector. To you the Lord has instructed the Soul of the Redeemer to be leed into Heaven. Therefor pray to God of peace, to crush Satan beneath thy feet. That they may not keep men captive and do injure to the church. (can this prayer be used)

  13. Please help me to get through my struggles and to be able to have the opportunity I need to communicate what I need to. Please bless me and guide me along this very difficult journey that I am on and help me to come out of this as a better and stronger person.

  14. I am so very thankful for this powerful ArchAngel Michael prayer i have just read. I so much believe that my needs will be meet as long as i connect to Archangel Michael. Thank you. Amen.

  15. Archangel Michael…please help me and my husband…we are always toughing it out and waiting for some good time right around the corner. I want life to be more than just surviving…we have dreams…please help things to start coming together for us.


  17. hello my name is vaa and I’m seeking help from the lord our heavenly father for my struggles and i also need help from the archangel michael please can you pray for me i need michael’s help thank you

  18. Thank you so much for this beautiful Prayer. I am so glad to have found this prayer. I really need my dear Archangel Michael’s guidance in dealing with my situation. Thank you so much.

  19. Thank you so much for this insight of info. It still seems scary to connect with the angels, and I aren’t sure why I’m hesitating. But I am sure that I will soon. Be truly blessed. We need more people letting us know how to reach our helps through the spiritual realms. Thank you.

  20. I know Michael hears us. Several times I had experiences with him. One time in the morning after I called to him I saw an image that flashed on in my mind of a tall angel with wings, I sensed something also.

  21. Why not just call on God. Aren’t we suppose to pray to Jesus and no nothing else? Just a question, I’m not sure about. I was thought in Sunday school, you only pray to Jesus like the way your saying to call on an angel. I wouldn’t want to be doing wrong by God, he’s been good to me.

  22. This morning was the first time I use the energy healing meditation archangel Michael pray. I have been using his pray since back in the 80’s seeing miracles after miracles. I believe in his assistance.
    Thank you Michael for always be at my assistance when called. I know you will help me in this situation m encountering right now.
    Help me Archangle Michael help me.

  23. Wow that was a powerful Archangel Michael prayer I am empowered. Thankyou so much mucho appreciation Melanie great work beautiful website.Blessings x

  24. Thankyou for the beautiful meditations and invaluable information on the angels, it is pefect for me right now as I am going through big spiritual change and every email synchronizes with my thoughts and progress x

    1. So glad to hear Gemma! It’s truly amazing what can open up and unfold before us when we keep taking one step at a time. Don’t you love synchronicity!?
      Have a beautiful now!

  25. was listening to isochronic tones and said the prayer and this blue light symbol appeared and my heart felt really light and I feel really hot now, amazing

  26. Thank you very much for helping me to achieve what I want from my life & helping me to get rid of the negative people in my life xx tyvm Catriona xxx

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