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Mary Magdalene Channeling For You!

A Message For You From Mary Magdalene:

Click the red play button on the video below to listen to this message from Mary Magdalene. There is a short intro and then the message from Magdalene.

This channeling is also available for you in a written text format below, so if you would prefer to read it … Keep scrolling down!

Read the channeled message from Mary Magdalene here:

“In times of transition on planets …

The Magdalene’s return.

Not one soul. Rather, a Divine Initiation Stream. Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness awakening, the Divine Feminine Mysteries returning, arising, here to Remember and illuminate the way through. The way through of the old paradigm and into the new.

Magdalene’s, here to shine a light, hold a template for peace, and unity, here to awaken, witness, remember and reveal to humanity what is possible within our consciousness, what is possible within this lifetime.

The new paradigm possibilities becoming available now.

As ever, love is an essential key to access the wisdom of this Divine Feminine Wisdom Stream.

Compassion an expression of Divine Feminine Love and wisdom in action which empowers others and unlocks the gifts available here for you to claim. To be of service to others in a greater way, to step into your unique role.

The time is now for Magdalene’s and those who resonate to prepare:

The physical vessel to be a pure chalice for the stream of higher consciousness and light that is available.

The mind, to learn to focus to learn to see the good, true and beautiful, to open to receive.

The heart to heal and take down the walls of judgement and fear to allow, open, blossom and reveal all that is now available here … in this moment … in these awakening times. On this beautiful planet, Gaia, Mother Earth.

The time is now to return to and and remember the path of love. The Open heart.

To rise and become the pillars of light, towers of hope, strength and courage to guide, serve, love, support in the great change and awakening now upon us.

Holding the field of love, and remembrance as the death and falling away of the old and outdated, makes way for the birth of the new, the rising of the new dawn. The emergence of the new possibilities for a society, for a planet, for a collective consciousness, deeply anchored in the wisdom of awakened love.

I Am with you. I Am here for you in your path.

Allow your heart to open. Your mind to be centered and clear. Your entire field to soften and open to the light bestowed upon you now.

The light of brilliance, remembrance, of who you really are and why you’re really here.

The love unlocking all that is really possible for you to have, remember, be, become, in service, in celebration.

Remembrance of All That Is … Of all that we, are now choosing to claim.

The timeline of love and possibility for humanity. The path of love, the radiance of living in alignment with Truth, with light.

I am with you in your path. I am here for you in every moment.In loving service always.

Your ever,


Channeled by Melanie Beckler.

Learn more about Mary Magdalene Here >> 

Listen to a FREE Activate the Light of Love Meditation with Mary Magdalene and the Angels here: 

Activate the Light of Love Meditation 

about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

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