Angel Books

Books Containing The Wisdom, Frequency and Guidance Of Angels Channeled by Melanie Beckler

Angels are truly incredible, high vibrational beings of pure love and light, and you can connect with them!

You're no longer limited to simply learning about angels from others, or reading about the experiences other people have had with them.

You can directly connect with angels for yourself!

And doing so is helpful, inspiring, and rewarding on so many levels.

This is the core mission and focus of the work of Melanie Beckler. To help you experience and directly connect with the love, guidance, and frequency of the angels for yourself!

Reading or listening to the direct angel messages Melanie channels, is in and of itself a powerfully healing, uplifting and spiritual experience.

Alongside each and every word, is the direct presence of angels for you to connect with and experience first hand so you can elevate your vibration and connect with the love and guidance of the angels for yourself.

Melanie has published a number of angel message books, that are now available for you in print, on kindle ,or in .pdf ebook versions below. There's also an opportunity for you to experience a free angel card reading here.

Archangel Michael Speaks

Archangel Michael Speaks

Archangel Michael connects in this direct transmission offering you loving guidance and support for navigating through the transformative period happening now.

Archangel Michael Speaks will initiate you who are ready, into the Paradigm of Love and the path of the open heart.

Remember and call forth the truth of who you are, why you are here, and what is now possible in stepping into the path of love in service of all.

Click Here to Get It On Amazon! 


Channeling the Council of LIght

Channeling the Council of Light

Are you ready to experience a profound reset? Are you ready to connect with, experience, and embody the fullness, expanded awareness, and power of your highest Divine Light Being?

The doors are open for a profound acceleration of your awakening if you're willing and open. To support you, The Council of Light steps forward now with this profound frequency transmission. The Council of Light has something beautiful for you to experience in this book. What you are about to receive is a transmission of frequency woven into words.

Click Here to Get It On Amazon! 

Archangel Michael Speaks Ascension Angel Messages

The guidance and angelic energy present along side each and every word in Ascension Angel Messages, will help you to lift in love to connect with the wisdom of the angels.

As you read the angel messages based on direct angelic channeling from Melanie Beckler, you will experience angelic healing, love, light, and guidance which will assist you in progressing on your ascension path.

Learn More Here! 

Click Here to Get It On Amazon!

Angels Book Angel Messages: Breathe And Lift In Angelic Love, Light And Compassion

In this book of channeled angel messages by Melanie Beckler you will be guided to tune into the love, healing and wisdom of the angels which will assist you in bringing more joy and abundance in to your life.

Reading the angels messages is similar to a reading meditation… As you relax and remain present as you read, you will experience angelic presence, love, and healing.

Learn More Here! 

Get Angel Messages on Amazon Here! Or Click Here to Purchase on Smashwords!

Experience Angels Experience Angels

Experiencing angels is simple once you know how to make the connection.

This book consists of 7 channeled angel messages which will help you to pave the pathway so that you can directly connect with the Angelic Realms for yourself.

Learn More Here! 

Get Experience Angels on Amazon Here!  Or Click Here to Purchase from Smashwords!


Let Your Light Shine Let Your Light Shine, Angel Messages of Healing, Love & Light

This book contains 13 powerful angel messages of healing love and light. Simply reading these messages will help you to open your heart. With a clear mind, and an open heart you will be able to directly connect with the one source energy flowing throughout all that is. You will also be able to connect with your guides and angels.

Learn More Here! 

Click Here to Get It On Amazon!  Or Click Here for Smashwords!

Channeling Channeling the Guides and Angels of the Light

Connect with the direct-channeled teaching from the Guides and Angels of the Light.

Alongside every word in the book, there is an uplifting angelic frequency. As you read, you will be guided to open your heart, shift your perspective within, and feel, experience, see, and know that you are in the presence of angels.

Click Here to Get It On Amazon! 

Ask Angels Oracle Cards Ask Angels Oracle Cards

Lift in love to connect with clear guidance, wisdom and healing frequency of your angels in a real and powerful way using the Ask Angels Oracle Cards… Ask a question, draw a card, and tune into the messages of angels.

Click Here to Order on Amazon! 

If you read and enjoy the Angel Books above, please leave a positive review and help spread the word! 🙂

Click Here to Read Melanie's Author Bio on Amazon… 

Or on Smashwords… 


Libros de Angeles en español tambien!

about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership.

Want a free guided .mp3 angel meditation by Melanie? Click Here For A Free Angel Message Channeled By Melanie!

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