The 8-8-8 Lions Gate Portal 2024

Here's What You Need to Know About The 8-8-8 Lion's Gate Portal!

Every year on and around the eighth day of the eighth month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gate Portal” or “the Lions Gateway”.

The Lions Gate Portal marks a time of consciously observing the amplified cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.

These energies are represented by the Figure-8 …

Which points to the possibility of infinite expansion, union with the realms of spirit, integration of higher levels of light, aligning with abundance…  

This year, in 2024, it is an 8 universal year in numerology (2+0+2+4=8) making this an 8-8-8 Lions Gate Portal.

The energy of the Lions Gateway is amplified more than ever before. New cosmic waves of light and energy are pouring in to bless and uplift us.

This spiritual gateway has roots that go back to the ancient Egyptians, can be found hidden in Esoteric Christianity, and in unique ways for thousands of years has been observed and honored as a sacred time of activating energy.

The 8-8-8 Lions Gate Portal is marked by the powerhouse number 8-8-8, the Sun's presence in the Astrological sign of Leo the Lion, and the alignment of the star Sirius with our Sun.

Sirius is often associated with the expansive qualities of the planet Jupiter, and carries an energetic impulse for action and accomplishment, providing an open window for manifestation, and consciously co-creating with the natural energy to manifest blessings in your life.

As the star Sirius aligns with our Sun, Orion's Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our perspective on Earth, it appears that Sirius (the brightest star we can see) comes closer to the Earth. For a little “cosmic perspective,” the star Sirius is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter!

This is why during the Lion's Gate Portal there is such a profound and powerful source of spiritual light available to you during this time. 

It's like a cosmic holiday emphasizing soul embodiment, celebrating the abundance of life's blessings, attaining elevated spiritual wisdom, nurturing growth, manifesting and harvesting the bounty of the season.

This means that the time around the 8-8-8 Lion's Gate is powerful to start manifesting!

Why is it called ‘The Lion's Gate Portal?'

2024 Lions Gate Portal

The Lion's Gate Portal gets its name, because this unique energetic opening to the spiritual world occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine.

The Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness broadcast through the star Sirius and through the Great Central Sun.

When this alignment happens, there is an intense surge of light and positive energy which awakens DNA, activates the human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening.

Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius, sometimes called the Spiritual Sun, pour towards Earth, offering humanity another level of activation and opportunity for progression on the ascension path.

The Lions Gateway energy is about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity to manifest your dream life within a physical form.

The Leo energy that we all experience during the Lion's Gate Portal (regardless of your personal zodiac sign) is associated with royalty, and so this alignment can be seen as awakening the royal codes of higher living which are available for all.

The Lion's Gate Portal marks an incredible period of accelerated ascension…

And this year, amidst the already potent waves of change and transformation, and the unique Lions Gate Astrology of 2024, in an 8 numerology year (2+0+2+4=8) it's supercharged

So, this brings up an important question:

How do you tune in and unlock the power of the Lion's Gate Portal energies?


A Live Video Course and Light Activation with Melanie Beckler and Acharya Dayanand Das amidst the peak energies of the Lions Gate on August 8th, 2024:

 Activate Your DNA With Light & Unlock The Divine Within

During the energetic peak of the powerful Lion's Gate portal on August 8th, 2024 at 8 AM Pacific…

You have the extraordinary opportunity to immerse yourself in a profoundly transformative experience:

Join Melanie Beckler and Acharya Dayanand Das with the Ascended Masters and Angelic Realm to raise your vibration to new heights!

In this 90 Minute Live Online event you'll be guided to Activate Your DNA With Light & Unlock the Divine Within.

Live On August 8th 2024 at 8 AM Pacific/ 11 AM Eastern

In this powerful 90 Minute Live Video Class and Activation you will:

  • Discover how to harness the ancient wisdom and cutting edge cosmic energies to accelerate your spiritual awakening & your personal growth.
  • Claim the energetic upgrades available to you and activate your Divine DNA so you can unlock the cosmic light codes that lie dormant within.
  • Experience a profound activation of your Divine Human Blueprint, awakening your true potential and purpose.
  • Collaborate with the Ascended Masters and Angelic Realm to re-align you with your spiritual evolution and ascension process.
  • Embrace the energies of the star Sirius and ancient Egypt to deepen your connection with the Divine and unlock ancient wisdom.
  • Receive powerful Quantum DNA activations that align you with your highest light and accelerate your journey of embodying your full potential as a New Human.

Can't make it live? No problem!

Even if you can’t join live, you’ll still receive all the benefits as you enjoy listening to the recording – which we'll make available online shortly after the event on the 8th.

This is your golden ticket to experience a profound shift in consciousness, activate the light within your DNA, and shift into a higher vibrational reality.

Don't miss this chance to join this live transformative experience on the Lion's Gate Portal and unlock your highest Divine potential.

Click the button below and reserve your spot in the live class and light activation now:

Activate Your DNA With Light & Unlock the Divine Within Live On the 8-8-8 Lions Gate PLUS Get 8 FREE Bonuses

Only $33 For A Limited Time!

Click Here Claim Your Spot Now >>

Remember, you have zero risks with our 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Plus, Order Now And You'll Receive 8 BONUS High-Frequency Lions Gate Angel Activations For Free! (Total Retail Value: $356)

Click the button above and sign up now and you'll get instant access to 8 powerful audio sessions as a Free Bonus!

#1 – “Opening to the Spiritual Sun Gateway” Energy Session – 17 Minutes

The star Sirius is often referred to as the “Spiritual Sun” and is sometimes considered to be a higher dimensional counterpart to our Sun, playing a key role in the evolution of consciousness, spiritual awakening, and ascension. It's thought to emanate a powerful, special elevating energy that helps people evolve and awaken.

This guided energy session attunes you to the higher spiritual knowledge and activating transmission of the Spiritual Sun, Sirius.

Your vibration will rise to new heights as you bask in the shimmering waves of light that cascade over you, cleansing your energy, and raising your vibration.

#2 – “Soul Essence Illuminated” Session – 20 Minutes

This guided .mp3 session will help you to see deeper into your soul's essence and understand your purpose here as you dive into the inner space during this open gateway.

Awaken your heart light to heal, bless and nurture you on every level leaving you connected to the love and compassion of The Divine Source of All That Is.  Your soul presence will rise to the surface to reunite with you… To be made known to you…

All you need to do is listen and allow your natural state of Divine oneness to re-emerge through this powerful spiritual experience contained within the audio session.

You'll feel the awakened love and crystalline energy awaken your spirit and raise your vibration to new heights as you continue ascending through the increased energies available to you in the Lions Gate Activations series.

Your vibration will rise to new heights as you bask in the shimmering waves of light that cascade over you, cleansing your energy, and raising your vibration.

#3 – “The Gateway of Starlight” Session – 35 minutes

Relax and lift in the pure high frequency of infinite love, expansion, and beauty as you call forth the higher downloads of frequency to integrate these into your being and into your life.

In this blissful activation, you will receive a profound starlight ascension activation from the healing light of Sirius, the light of the infinite, and from the Council of Light.

Know and directly experience the truth of the Divine Light Being you are.

#4 – “The Starlight Chakra Meditation!” – 22 minutes

Relax and experience a profound vibrational journey by tuning into the awakened energy of starlight.

Alongside this message from Orion, a beautiful energy has been created to assist you in opening to your inner wisdom, re-energizing your soul light, and creating a vibrational opening within you so your true inner wisdom and Divine authentic light can shine though.

When you open your heart, relax, and become aware as you listen, you feel a profound shift as the Divine starlight and guidance from Orion works to cleanse and refresh your chrakas and the very soul light which you already carry within.

#5 – “Anchoring The Light of the Spiritual Sun” Video Session – 49 minutes

The Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters of the Highest Christed Light connect in this awesome frequency transmission.

Relax and listen as you are effortlessly guided to connect with your Divine Core of Love, Peace, and Truth to anchor the Highest Light and shine as the Solar Divine Light being you are at your very core.

You will receive this channeled meditation in both video and audio format so if you would like you can watch Melanie channel via video you will have that opportunity. Alternately you can simply close your eyes, relax, and lift in the blissful energy of the audio session.

#6 – The “Empower Your Highest Purpose” Session – 36 minutes

Archangel Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael connect to bless and heal your energy, raise your vibration and realign you with incredible inspiration, guidance and True Spiritual Power.

As you simply relax and listen to this profound light transmission you will receive Solar light blessings of crystalline healing frequency and love…

Unlock your spiritual power, anchor higher light, clarify your will, and Empower Your Highest Purpose Now!

#7 – The “Infinite Possibility Activation” Video Session – 55 minutes.

With the gateway of abundance, love and fertility open to you during the Lion's Gate, it is time to connect with the infinite possibility that lies within.

Enjoy this deep dive channeled video session where you'll get connected to the realm of infinite possibilities to activate what you desire from the cosmic energies available here during the open gateway.

Simply relax and enjoy this video experience to amplify the frequencies of love and abundance available to you in this moment and you also get full access to the .mp3 version so you can have it ready to play on demand on your phone or tablet, any time

#8 – “Revealing Your Brilliance” Session – 33 minutes

Connect with your Soul, Divine I Am, and with the Guides and Angels of the Light within the One Stream of Christ Light.

As you relax and listen you will be lovingly guided to:

  • Activate your chakras
  • Awaken your subtle bodies
  • Recharge your mind, body and spirit
  • Reveal your highest Divine Truth and Brilliance

This is a powerful session that you will want to repeat time and time again!  You get full access to the downloadable MP3 file so you can add this session to your iTunes or music library…

This allows you to enjoy this session anytime and anywhere you need to lift your energy and connect with the divine love and light within.

Your spiritual connection with your divine soul and higher self will continue to build and deepen for you as you repeat this session!

Don't just take our word for it …

Read What Our Students Are Saying
About Their Experience:

“Dayanand Das and Melanie together were like being given an express ticket straight to the heavens! Thank you, always.” –Lori Abbot

“I received so much more than I could have ever imagined.” –Mary Johanna

I can’t wait to do this workshop again and again, as I experienced a state of exquisite expansion and joy that remains with me when I consciously recall the learning and practices shared.” -Trish

“This was wonderful, thank you so much! I’ve never felt so much joy and gratitude, it was phenomenal. Thank you! I’m so grateful to have found you as I’ve cleared so many blocks after being stuck with my awakening for so long. Thanks to you and your light, I’m finally moving again. Forever grateful!” – Katie W.

“Holy moly Melanie, I wasn't able to make it live to this, but did this for the first time this morning and it was off-the-charts AMAZING!!! 

“I am going to do it for many days. I can feel how expansive and powerful and phenomenal and growth-inducing this is. I absolutely LOVE it!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” – Hannah F.

“This felt incredibly saturated with love, support, cleansing light and had such a visceral high-vibe authenticity that I plan to return to again and again! Thank you, Melanie and all…” – Laila L.

Dayanand is the best teacher and I always grow from his teachings, wisdom and love.” –Kerri Marriot

“Melanie, your guidance and presence leading me to the Light and Love has become invaluable in my life. Thank You!!” – Lorraine

“Priceless! I feel I have been set back on course. 

Powerful! Thank you sooo much!!!” –Carolyn

“Listening is like our spirit is being sent to heaven and it feels like angels are near us and that the presence of god is near us.” –Rosanna

“Gratitude 🙏🙏🙏 amazing. So incredible beyond words. 🙏🙏🙏. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️” –Annette

“Wow! Thank you! So amazing…I just wanted to sit in the light and love vibration forever… …so I just sat and enjoyed the energy for a while after the meditation.. …so beautiful and powerful!! –Elaine

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. There are no words…💖” –Alice

“I am noticing a change in my energy and life. I call angels sometimes and they always come and help me. In a few minutes I feel much better. My life is easier now than it was few months ago. Some positive changes happened and I have more faith now than before. I am progressing. I am so grateful for this! And I am so grateful to you as well 🙂 With love” ~Danijela

“Listening is like our spirit is being sent to heaven and it feels like angels are near us and that the presence of god is near us.” – Rachelle

I am at peace after listening to my 1st session. Thrilled to know what greatness is ahead thank you” –Lianne

“Just wonderful. Thank you, Melanie!” –Gracja

Thanks so much! I cant tell you how helpful this information is to me. God Bless” –B

“Thank you, you are helping me so much in a hard time that I’m having lately… The change is amazing! I really didn’t think anything could help me get over the deep sadness… And you made it happen. Thank you !” –Limor

“Thank you very much that was wonderful. 🙂 love and light” Jess

Take The Next Step…

Activate Your DNA With Light & Unlock the Divine Within Live On the 8-8-8 Lions Gate PLUS Get 8 FREE Bonuses

Only $33 For A Limited Time!

Unlock the Cosmic Energy: Activate Your Divine DNA During the Lion's Gate Portal!

2024 Lions Gate Portal

Have you ever heard the saying that, “The Universe is conspiring with you“?

Well, get ready to align yourself with this powerful cosmic principle and experience a profound energetic shift during the upcoming “Activate Your DNA With Light & Unlock the Divine Within Live Class!During this transformative livestream, you'll work hand-in-hand with the angels and ascended masters to clear and open the pathway to activate light in your DNA, and align with the template for your Highest Divine Timeline.

With the loving support of the angelic realm and the auspicious cosmic alignment of the Lion's Gate Portal, you'll find yourself in the perfect circumstances to propel your life forward into a brighter, more fulfilling reality.

Embrace this unique and rare opportunity to harness the immense power of the Lion's Gate Portal and witness the incredible shifts that await you.Join us for this life-changing livestream and experience the magic for yourself!

You have zero risks with my 100% Money Back Guarantee!

We're so confident that you'll LOVE Activating Your DNA With Light & Unlocking The Divine Within that we're offering a no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.

What this means is that you can go through the ENTIRE Live Program, and all the free bonuses, and if for some reason you're not satisfied, or you decide its not for you …

Just email me at within 30 days of purchase and request a refund, and we'll process that for you ASAP with no questions asked.

We're taking on ALL of the risk for you, so you can confidently say “Yes!” and jump in to join us now.

Join us Live on the 8-8-2024 Lions Gate For A Live Video Course & Light Activation

Return Policy: If you don't LOVE these sessions for any reason, you can get 100% of your money back, guaranteed!

Just email me at and request a full refund within 60 days of purchase and we'll process that for you ASAP with no questions asked.

PS. Are you feeling the increased energy?

P.P.S. Lean more about the Lions Gate in a Video with Melanie here:

about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership.

Want a free guided .mp3 angel meditation by Melanie? Click Here For A Free Angel Message Channeled By Melanie!

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  1. THANK U for ALL u do I needed u in my life more than you'll ever know I learned a lot from you just sense last month

  2. 3 weeks ago I seen the planes draw with smoke 122 and a happy face in the sky. It has been the most mind blowing thing that has happened to me about a week after I met someone very special that were pretty sure we are Twin Flames. I know that 122 is a very powerful angel number. I grew up on 122 19th street so it was so powerful to see that in the sky. Another number that I see constantly is 19. My birthday is on the 19th. My kittie Bean Jeans my beanie babies lived till she was 19 and died in 2019. I learned that their are 19 keys in the universe which is powerful again because I know the 1 represent new beginnings and the 9 represents something you have to finish. The last number I see the most is 9 which is my Master Soul Code. I am really confused on what I need to do. I’m trapped where I can’t get to my crystals, my poetry my books. I don’t have privacy to do the meditations and feel bad that I couldn’t take advantage of the Lions Gate on the 8th. I have been longing to meet my star families for a long time now. I’m sure I am an Arcturian starseed that wants to go back home. But if I really met my Twin Flame then being with her will make me feel at home which reminds me of one of my favorite music tracks called Home by Above and Beyond. You got to look it up! Well I really would like you to tell me what I can do in my situation. I really wanted to share my story with you after I read all the info about the Lions Gate. I wrote to Sri and Kira which I took 3 metaphysical spiritual classes through learning my Master Soul Code and more including how to transmute negative energy into love giving it to the universe for transformation. But I havent meditated with my crystal shrine and my special meditation session in over 2 years. My stuff is in storage all disorganized. I can’t get sound out of my receiver that I have at home so I can’t listen to the videos and my music on the computer at home. I’m depressed and isolated. I feel too many contradictions are running my life now but yet I met my Twin Flame and I know the angels are guiding me. I am confused on what I need to do next. I really want to meet up with the women of my dreams now that I found her but am worried that something is stopping me but don’t know what it is. I do trust the universe and give so much gratitude of who I am and where I come from. I only have my very special quarts crystal that I have had for over 15 years. I believe that I have recently created miracles with concentrating on something while holding my crystal. Well I don’t know what else to say but I long to connect with my star families and Archangels. No matter how much I try I cant get into communication with them and it make me feel sad. I was told to go to St. Germaine for help. I had a mini soul reading like 5 years ago and the angels were telling me that I needed to stand up for my self. I did and the system put me on meds. I got deserted by most, my kittie died and lost the condo apartments. After all that I didn’t have the motivation anymore to meditate after doing it for over two years every morning. I’m pretty sure St. Germaine came to me in a dream when I was in jail for a month to tell me to be quit because they don’t understand. I am pretty sure my mission is to show an example to this corrupt system and let them know you can’t take someone life for granted and get away with it that is why I think I am meant to make history suing this county for 500 million dollars. I also want to create a dancefloor that will change everything on how we get energy. Its free energy but the 3rd dimention or society that is nothing but a disease to me isn’t ready for it just like Tesla. If I am constantly seeing the number 9 it proves to me I must take action but don’t know how. I’m barely making it by and all my stuff is in storage contradicting me to do the things I know I must do like starting up my underground culture mini magazine my zene called Underground Kulture that will be a golden age of bringing my scene back bringing it back to the human race and especially for those that never have experienced before the most powerful love vibes through music and dancing which makes me feel the most free. I don’t know what else to say but it was nice telling you a bit of my story and that I hope we can be new friends of the light. Well peace and love from Brian aka Cosmonian Starlight.

  3. Siris rises in the east to align with the sun on a different day every year – the period celebrated by Egyptians was from July 3-Aug 12 as a time when Sirius conjoined our sun. This was also their new year and when the Nile river seasonally over flowed the banks bringing abundance through fertile ground. 8/8 is a made up day and does not correlate with this event which this year the conjunction occurred July 4/5th. 8/8 energetically is beautiful – let’s talk about that and not extrapolate actual astrological events with numerically fun days. Nothing in the cosmos is static, meaning if one year a new moon in Leo is July 27, the next 30, etc.

  4. Hi malanie I am extremely honored and excited to discover what lays ahead. I’m definitely determined to know n learn more. I am new to all of this. But I learn something new everyday and what I have discovered so far is amazing. I love it. I am truly learning of who I am and what my purpose Is. And although it can be challenging at times cuz I tend to get confused but I tend to keep moving forward with confidence n positive vibes meaning I can achieve anything I set my mind too. 💞

  5. Interestingly I am in communication. With my angels and was send in a mission. Didn’t know what was going to happen until I went to a church called new life enough I got baptized on 8/8 2021 and I am a Leo.

    Not a coincidence but am clear that is synchronicity in action.

  6. So I am all new to all of this But recurved n Awsome Healing early am on the 9 th I’ve got a steep learning curve But This is Awsome!!!! Would love any info and help Please and Thank you!!!

  7. I enjoy hearing your insights. Speaking to the higher purpose with such ease is rare gift. Most people never connect with their higher purpose. I enjoy staying in a creative space too. I like to write and paint and I find it very rewarding. I seem to get more insights when I’m creative.

  8. Good afternoon Melanie I would love an angel message right now I know I have a lot of angels around me but I feel waited down by some things that of been happening I love my life I love who I am I just wanna be with somebody who’s real and kind and knows what real love is because there’s a lot of Unkindness and fake people out there🙏🏻🌙✨😇☮️💚

  9. Hi Melanie . I’m have a question. When do you have to listen to this to be precise in the activation in order it raise the frequency . And does this work at anytime after the 8th of august ?

    1. You can listen to these in any order, at any time … There is extra benefit on and around 8-8 … But also will be beneficial and activating any time!. Outside of time and space!

  10. Melanie, you are one of a kind, a beautiful soul, and full of Infinite Love. Two of my kids were born in this wonderful time of August, one on the 8th, and the other on the 16th. It is a special time and month for me. I did not know how it happened. But it is true. I am a true believer. And for that, I am getting the Lion’s Gate Activations. You are awesome, and greatly appreciated. Keep up the great job. God bless you abundantly.

  11. Are these Lion’s Gate meditations available to Angel Solution members. Having committed to 37 dollars a month for that, I don’t feel inclined to spend yet more. Thanks.

      1. I’ve got it! Thank you very much! Really satisfied with the excellent service offered by Angel Solution.

  12. Thank you for this. I have been feeling the powers of the moon, and lion’s gate as well as my past lives and reincarnations and my shadow sides that seem to be almost like winning over my ability to push through them and change everything from the past and to make my future great as it has been foreseen.

  13. Thank you for your work and shining such a bright light onto the world! You’re truly inspiring to to me and I use your guidance when I’m feeling in the deepest darkest places. Much gratitude for your strength and light and I look forward to joining your channeling on 08-08!!


  15. Melanie…I would Love to be a part of this… I will be there on 8/8/2020…I have a birthday on the 18th…sending much Love and Light always

  16. Thank you so much for posting this! Financially and physically I have been enduring some hardships. In the last two days two black and white feathers have crossed my path in unexpected ways and in search of the meaning of the feathers I came across this article that just seems to tie it all together. Life is telling me to have faith! THINGS WILL GET BETTER

    1. You may want to meditate to raise your vibration. The feelings you mention can be an indication of low vibration. Visualization can also help to raise your vibration. Visualize how you would like to feel, consider what is different from how you currently feel. Stay with the imagined good feelings until you can believe them to real, yours.

  17. Thank you for this article. I have not heard of this gateway until last week I experienced unexplained light that flowed through my bedroom.

    True story:

    Saturday, September 23rd, 2017. I woke up 5:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep so I decided to meditate. After 20 minutes of meditation, I felt like I needed more meditation but my mind was not allowing it. So, I got into a positive affirmation mode thanking God for life, family, and friends. I felt instant gratitude of appreciation and love.

    Suddenly, there is a flashing light in my bedroom. I looked at the light, and said “Wow, the cop car light is so peaceful and pretty.” I thought maybe it was an early morning patrol under my apartment complex window. However, the light was flashing through one window only (there are two windows in my bedroom). The flashing was so bright, a feeling told me to go look through the window to see if they are stealing my car.

    I got up and went to the window, no cop car. The lights are still flashing. I went to the other window, no flash lights. Then, it is in that moment, I realized what was happening. Jumped in the bed and went under the covers. The light was gone. Suddenly, I found myself crying for no reason. It was not tears of sadness nor fright but tears of joy and happiness. I was in shock. I called everyone, my mom, my father, my grandmother, my friends…

    God is trying to show me something and I am all ears and heart. I am sharing with everyone because at one point in my life I would disregard people who claim they saw things. My true purpose has been defined.

    Has this ever happen to anyone? Serious responses only!

    1. what true purpose was defined? I want to know my true purpose. I tried positive affirmation being thankful for life and family, prayer, mediation. I am clueless.

    2. Yes, I was once lying in bed sleeping, and as I woke up I saw a little point of light, slowly going upwards a wall in my room, just before it then flashlightened up the entire room for a second or so.

      And in my case it was clear, there was no window & no door, not even a mirror that could have reflected something.

      And allthough I die some drugs in those days, still do from time to time, I trusted myself that this was not an illusion or some hallucination.

      I had no more dought about it at all, when I came to a friends house & I saw him steeling something out of a neighbours mailbox when we entered this house. (I know! What a dickhead!)

      But then as we made our selfs comfortable in his appartment, he opened up this stolen package, and in it was a psychological lecture or study or so.
      Not very interesting for him; but as I was reading some of it, I mean I was just quickly checking page after page, passing big parts of text just not reading it properly, as I suddenly saw the words, light & point appear in front of my eyes.

      A part of this study was actually just about this phenomena,that I had seen some weeks before.

      It said it would be some kind of a psychoses, but that is probably just what all the mainstream people would usually hear, from their doctor or psychologist I guess.

      Best regards,

      M. L.

    1. Jess, this has probably already been answered for you, but the year 2017 – last 2 digits = 8. So the date – 08/08/17 = 8/8/8. Blessings!

  18. Is the most potent time to meditate or do ceremony around this 8:00 pm? Is there any practices that others are doing or that maybe suggested? Blessings & Balance, Heather

  19. Girl yes! Thank you to divine love and light for writing this article! I am so grateful to hear these words! We are one with the planet and helping raise its viberation! Thank you to the most high light!!! ???❤️

      1. I’m seeing repeating numbers from 00 to 99 all numbers as well as 000 to 999 and 1111 1212 etc

        I’d really like to speak with you it’s really important. Sometimes this stuff rarely happens I believe I’m being blessed. But I also need those verses in this to help guide me

  20. Thank you for this text. Firstly, my grandmother passed away on 8/8/2015. Recently after her transition, I found out my grandmother was really into the Lions Gate. When trying to open her phone, my aunt found that her password was 888. I’ve always felt she was special in a spiritual way but never got to ask her the questions I wanted.

    1. Hi! How special and amazing!🧡 If you add up the year, that makes an 8 too, but perhaps that was to obvious to mention? I have no idea if you will see this, four years after, but since it is/was the 8/8 today, I had to comment.. Much love!

  21. In what sense is the earth aligned with the center of the galaxy now? I thought the center of the Milky Way is in Sagittarius, around the winter solstice. Therefore, the earth-sun would be ‘aligned’ around either 12/21 and/or 6/21.?

  22. With greetings I feel great seeing that i am a lion and the king of all lions may those that are my supporters appear to me physical and show there support to me so i can see them and enbrass them. With luv.

  23. The timing is incredible. I woke this morning after dreaming a channeler told me “you are very close (to discovering) your life’s purpose” ! Then I saw this post. Wow!

  24. i have been very I can’t really explain it I have been depressed for some time now as I am on home oxygen, but yesterday I started to feel myself feeling better my mood has changed this morning I am in great form I have been reading the posts
    And having a good laugh at the jokes sending to my friends I don’t feel down I feel alive I don’t feel like that ever any more but I feel great, I would love to be closer to Christ I love him so much, he knows. me better than anyone else does and he still loves me, I love Arcangel Michael he is my favourite, I have healing cards that were given to me I love them I get him a lot. Thank you I have my heart opened waiting for the light to enter. God Bless you ????❤️❤️

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