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Spiritual Presence and Integrating All That Is Available to You Now

Integrating Divine Light through Spiritual Presence

As you, present within space and time. continue to receive waves of ascension energy…

Cosmic Light…

And Divine Frequency…

Remember to allow yourself the space to integrate.

Integrating the higher Downloads of Divine Consciousness…

While purging and releasing your lower levels of emotion, limiting belief, and distortion that cannot occupy the same space as the higher expanded levels of frequency light and expanded awareness you are moving into.



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Presence is your opportunity to integrate all that you are expanding into.



Expanded Awareness…

And all that on strands of light continue to stream in.

Presence in your body… You are meant to be the HUman being you are.

Presence in the moment… You are the focused multidimensional expression of the infinite, and you become aware of this timeless expression in each moment of presence.

Presence within your heart center…

The awakened Divine Light you carry within. Through tuning into this, and basking in this you are able to feel into the deep love and wisdom within and all around.

Being present with what arises… Metting what emerges in your inner or outer space with awareness and with love.

Through presence you learn the lessons, claim the blessings, and restore yourself as the bridge of light, you are.

Bridging spirit and physical.

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Bridging the limited awareness of the mind and the infinite.

Relax and open to be the clear conduit of Source Presence You Are.

Knowing that through your full embodiment you heal yourself, and heal all.

Across the lines of time, across time and space.

Spiritual Presence is your opportunity to integrate all that you are expanding into.

Remember the infinite healing energy, light, and frequency of Source is available to you in every moment, of awareness, presence and with your conscious choice to tune in.

To drop from the realm of mind, downward in awareness into your heart center.

To tune into the light glowing within and all around which when opened acts as a doorway, a magnet, a sacred portal for you to receive the light of the infinite, which you can now become aware of through your open-hearted, centered space.

Experience the DIvine Light, life- force energy infinite source presence streaming down upon you, lighting up your space in this moment here and now.

And now envision, imagine, feel, sense and experience your every cell looking up, lifting up, to receive the light, to allow the light to flood your entire being, to fill every cell, to flow into any areas of tension, pain…

To flow into any areas where trauma still resides.

To flush your cellular being, your physical being, to flush your mind, body, spirit, emotions, aura with Source Light.

Tune into the light.

Breathe it in.

Fill your body as you ground the light of the infinite into this moment here and now.

To be and breathe, expand and become…

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The being of light…

The being of love…

You are.

You are this in every moment, you are this across the lines of time.

Through presence, you tune in.

Claiming the opportunity presented to you now, to fully become all that you are.

Melanie Beckler



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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

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