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How to Navigate Now …

Hey there,

I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I just wanted to remind you today…

That you are an incredible spiritual being of love, light and peace.

And yet… You are immersed in density right now!

Immersed in a dense physical reality that is amidst a MASSIVE transformation.

Major energetic shifting is in process now.

And so if you've been having a hard time…

Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders…

Feeling the energies of chaos, anger, fear, and pain rising up in the collective or in your own energy field…

It's okay, its honestly to be expected, and you're certainly not alone in this.

We're living in a time in which the Earth and the collective consciousness is being massively transformed…

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And what you're feeling, seeing and sensing are the lower energies beginning to shift.

We have to face what's been in the shadow before it can be transformed.

And yes… Everything that's unfolding now is a big deal…

And the changes and challenges sweeping the collective will continue.

The old paradigm is literally burning and crumbling away before our eyes…

The collective shadow rising to the surface for all to see.

It's not that the massive need for change and reform is growing larger…

But it is being revealed.

And it can be painful to face the injustice… The violence… Chaos… And the suffering of others…

But doing so…

Helps to empower the shift.

Because that's the higher perspective of what's going on…

Distorted, heavy and outdated energies within the collective consciousness (and within ourselves) are rising up so they can be released…

So they can be transmuted into the light and alchemized into something new…

So we can learn from what has happened in the past…

And rise up from the ashes and rubble of the old paradigm that is falling…

Into the new.

Into the New Earth energy…

Into collectively manifesting the highest possible future for ALL of humanity to thrive.

Rising up collectively into greater Love, Peace, and Truth.

And so amidst the shifting…

Amidst facing the shadow…

Be gentle with yourself and with others…

Remember that love is now and always has been what will illuminate the highest path through.

Being in LOVE doesn't mean ignoring the challenges…

And it doesn't mean keeping yourself wrapped up in bubble of bliss and sheltered from the realities of the day 24/7…

It does mean Remembering.

Remembering that you are much more than just your physical body…

Remembering that at the core of you there is incredible LOVE, peace, and bliss and when you return to this…

Even just from time to time…

You empower the rise of Love.


Which empowers the shift…

And empowers the light of Spirit, higher consciousness, and blessings for All beings…

To begin to shine through.

Returning to Love is NOT always easy…

It's sometimes the biggest challenge of all…

And so I wanted to share something today to help…

So you can even for a brief moment drop out of allowing your consciousness to spiral in the chaotic energies …

And drop into your open heart…

Into peace and presence…

Resetting into love with help from Archangel Michael and your team in Spirit who are all here for you…

Click Here for the FREE Love Frequency Reset Meditation with Archangel Michael >>

I love you.
I'm sorry for anything I may have done consciously or unconsciously to hurt you.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

Melanie Beckler



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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership.

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