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Clearing The Mind with Golden Light!

Clearing the Mind with Golden Light Clear your mind, wash away any negativity, and return to harmony with this simple Golden Divine Light Energy practice.

Clearing the mind with golden light is a powerful practice to do any time, especially those moments when the chatter of your mind is loud.

Additionally, this is perfect to do at times when you simply need a little recharge or any time you want to raise your vibration and reconnect and reopen your link with the light of the Infinite, the light of the Divine Source, your inner Divine Core of light, peace and truth.

Reconnecting with your inner Divine core of light and allow that to shine out from you in the present moment, will powerfully magnetize to you blessings in alignment with the Highest Divine possibilities for your life!


Clear Your Mind And Raise Your Vibration With Golden Light Energy

So essentially the way this meditation practice works for clearing my mind is using your breath to become aware. You then visualize, imagine and call forth Golden Divine Light Energy to fill your mind, to reset your mental state of being, to warm your thoughts, to illuminate your mind, to wash the mind of any chaotic energy or negativity to powerfully and profoundly reset you back into harmony with your Divine Core Truth.

Reset Your Mind and Breathe

First, find a comfortable position and close your eyes.

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And to begin, let's just take three deep breaths. Breathe in and become aware that you're breathing in.

Focus all of your awareness on your breath, breathing deep into your lower abdomen. And as you exhale, let go and release.

Breathe in life force energy. Breathe into your lower abdomen. And as you exhale, let go..

Again, breathe in the light that is all around you. And as you exhale, let go.

Set The Intention To Clear The Mind

“At this time, I call in each of our teams of Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters to surround us, protect us, and support us each as individuals and together as one in clearing our mind and re-centering in Golden Divine Energy and Light…”

As you close your eyes and relax, imagine that you're transported to the most beautiful, peaceful setting in nature. Whatever this is for you, whether you are in a meadow, in the forest, overlooking in the beach, or even on a screened in porch, whatever feels right for you….

Transport to that place.

Feel the Peace of the Golden Light Shine Upon You

Clear your mind And now, imagine that on the horizon, the sun is rising, the most beautiful golden sunlight, gently streaming in your direction…

Tune in to the light of the Golden Sun, which transmits Divine Life Force Energy, light codes and frequencies.

Focus your awareness on this golden sunlight so beautifully rising in the sky.

And as you tune into the golden light, allow yourself to feel the warmth, joy, and serenity that is transmitted through the solar light.

Really tune into it, immersing yourself in this beautiful setting, experiencing the feeling of peace around you and the light of joy, vitality, and bliss of the sun shining down upon you.

And as you take your next breath in, imagine that you're breathing the Golden light into your mind. Breathe in that light of joy, warmth, and vitality.

Tuning into the light of the sun, the light of joy, the light of bliss, the light of infinite possibility.

Allow it to bring a natural smile to your face, a gentle upward turn of your lips, tuning into that joy and light of the Golden Solar Christ light…

Breathe it in and as you exhale, exhale out through your mouth.

And let go.

Let Go of Stress, Tension, and Insecurity

Let go of stress and tension and insecurity. Let go of fear. Let go and release. And as you breathe in, breathe the Golden light into your mind.

Allow it to fill your mind, to fill your entire head. Illuminate your thinking. And as you exhale and breathing out of your mouth on your exhale, visualize that you're letting go.

You may literally visualize a gray mist leaving…. as your thoughts are washed, are rinsed with this Golden light. Breathe in the light of the sun, the light of warmth, of the light of joy, of peace, the possibilities of a new day.

And as you exhale, let go.

Breathe in the light of the Divine, the light of the Golden Sun, the Golden Solar Energy that flows into your head that expands around your entire body, that fills your aura, your body, mind, and spirit with Golden light.

Let your vibration lift. Let this warm, smiling, joyful Golden energy fill your entire being. And as you exhale, let go of all of it. All that no longer serves.

Finding Inner Peace and Clarity with your Divine Core Light

Let go and really breathe in the Golden light. Feel the light of warmth, of joy, of peace, filling your mind, reconnecting you now with the truth of your Inner Divine Being accessed through the light of clarity, through the warmth and joy and serenity of your clear mind, you are able to access the Core Light, your inner most being the truth of your joy, vitality, your vibrant well-being and radiant bliss.

Feel the Golden light of the sun. Warming your thoughts, filling your mind, filling your entire head, expanding out around your entire being so that you brightly shine like the light of 1000 suns so that you shine in alignment with the truth of the divine being you innately are…

Letting go of illusion, uncertainty, and embracing through your clarity of mind, the joy and light and truth of the Divine I Am, right here and now.

Now feel this golden light flow down from your mind into your heart, into your abdomen and down, grounding you in this moment now to the earth. Returning your awareness to the present moment, cleansed, recharged, and purified.

Clearing your Mind One Breath at a Time

I hope that you enjoy the simple practice for filling your mind with Golden Solar light, to clear your thoughts, to warm your energy, to raise your vibration, and to reconnect you in this moment now with the Highest Divine light, with the Core Truth of You, which aligns you with the highest and best divine possibilities available to you right here and now.

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If you enjoyed this meditation, comment below, and let me know if you liked it and whether you felt that Golden Solar light filling your mind.

And if you didn't either go back and listen or just guide yourself through this process now breathing, calling in your team and then visualizing yourself in that beautiful place in nature with the Golden Sun rising, shining down upon you, filling your mind, warming your thoughts, and illuminating the light of your inner most Divine being.

I love honor and appreciate you.

Any light you see in me is simply a reflection of the brilliant light of you.

Keep shining and remember how loved you really are.

I love and appreciate you, and of course, your entire team in spirit loves you so, so much. When you clear your mind, you become more receptive for that Higher Divine guidance, love and support to flow in.

Melanie Beckler


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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

Ready to elevate your spiritual journey? Immerse yourself in the premium meditations and angelic activations inside of the Angel Solution Membership.

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  1. Thank you for this meditation. It’s hard for me to meditate, but this was wonderful! I did feel the Golden light. Have a great day!

  2. This was very relaxing, while calming my mind, so I could visualize the inner brilliant Golden Divine Light!🕯️ I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank You!! 🙏🏼😊

  3. Dear Melamine

    I have been reading your golden words for almost a decade. Thanks a lot for the angel you are. I come to your page whenever I need inspiration and guidance. Wishing you all cheers and shine. Shobhana.

  4. i love your Angel Messages.They really do help me when Im stressed.This was really helpful. You are amazing.Thank you

  5. I follow a lot of your videos. I particularly loved this one! Please If you can send more of these-Clearing the mind with Golden light. this mediation stood out and was very unique.
    Thank you,

  6. Yes! I was filled up with the brilliance of you and me…!! Thank you for your inspiring meditations.
    You truly have the gift of translating our truth into words!

  7. Loved this!! It got me yaw ing like crazy, which I know is clearing of old, dense energies. I’ll listen to this whenever I need a recharge…probably daily for now. Thank you Melanie!🤗

  8. Hi Melanie, I shared on my ‘5D Project Guidance’ FaceBook Group & my Timeline. You are so incredibly gifted, you help people awaken & feel alive again, clear, and hopeful in a time of extreme polarity challenges, when balancing is extrtemely essential. The way you share your profound work is so miraculous…:) People need Hope, Faith, Grace, and Clarity… you have opened the door to all of that! I love you, Dear Earth Angel Sister, Thank You, I Love You!

  9. Melanie, I’m so happy I connected with your video today! My eyes watered with the Divine Presence you brought through, Thank you for a profoundly moving experience… I so needed this tonight. Your energy is so beautiful and powerful. I love you so much! Thank You!

  10. Thank you, thank you!
    I really needed to hear and do this today and every day, as I drop down into anxiety, negative mind chatter. I have this powerful practice to help me reconnect with love and peace.
    To bring in all positive energy to me and in doing this to send it out into the world .
    Thank you for this reminder, that I am not alone and that we are all needed.

  11. Thankyou Melanie, I do feel more centered and clear, and enjoyed it(tho i find visualisation a bit difficult).
    I needed clear some energy. That beautiful forest..I wish I ws there,..I’ve been mostly housebound for years due to health issues..but this year I hope to visit a place of body is craving for.
    I do find the sun such a healing energy..esp when fully present..I have a natural ‘shamanic’ ability to connect
    with it.

  12. I really needed this today and am so grateful Melanie! Thank you! I was able to see the beautiful golden light, along with such a beautiful lavender! I feel so much calmer and a sense of peace. I just love your videos and all you do! Thank you, Melanie!

  13. Thankyou Melanie this was beautiful ,powerful ,cleansing and reenergizing for my whole day! I truly feel the power of the Divine Golden Light and release any fears and negativity from my path and the paths of all of us collectively going through this difficult transition process at this time . And so it is ! 😇❤🙏🌎 Love and Strength to All

  14. Thank you so much, I was ready to end everything and I opened this from my email and I am in a positive state of mind now. Thank you I Love you.

  15. Melanie,

    I absolutely love your meditation videos. I watch a couple of them a day. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I am very grateful to you and the Angels for getting us through dark times and enjoying the light times.

    Gail Thompson

  16. Hi Melanie, thank you, thank you! your meditation is much needed . I feel so much better, stronger. I feel the golden light within me now as I'm blessed with the knowledge that my spiritual beings are with me.

  17. Good Morning, wonderful way to start an otherwise, not wonderful morning…among other things my cat, Azimov, is expiring, he was a big forest cat, has lost like 15 lbs. he has been my best and most trusted friend for 17 yrs., he should really go to the Vet, need funds for that…be he is old, I think he got bit by a Spider? Your meditation was 'right as rain' and we both enjoyed it immensely. Many Blessings to u for all the light You Bring into this house, and the world beyond, and who doesn't love a direct line to Heaven? Hahahhha Namaste PS. I have been a listener since 2016

  18. I really love Melanie, her meditations, positive energy and connection with the Angels. Every day I play one of Melanie's meditations and they truly help me to heal, balance and move forward in my life. Also to grow within and spiritually. Thank you so much Melanie for your beautiful meditations and generous spirit.

  19. Melanie I Am forever Grateful that you as instrument of love and light helped us see the light in ourselves, thank you for sharing the Divine Light and to teach us how beautiful we are inside out and how we reflect that light into others, I have learned so much with your healing meditations, with everything you shared I Am in Gratitude 🙏🏽 to my Our Father Creator of Heaven here in now, thank you for helping out in this mission where I can clearly see we are bridge makers and I feel Honor and Grateful, Thank You 🙏🏽 💙🌍💝

  20. Hi Melanie, you are a gift from my angels after a long and difficult time. I never lost faith, having connected with the angels and guardians and masters years ago. Thank for these video meditations that are helping me reconnect. In love and light.
    Melaniejoye M

    1. Thank you so much for your help and guidance!! You have helped me remember who I am and reconnected to my soul purpose!! I know how much I’m loved and that I am love!! And how much love I can give to the world!!❤️❤️❤️

  21. Grateful for this healing meditation at this time… will hold it in my heart to assist me for my forthcoming cataract surgery on 11/5…🙏 <3

  22. Beautiful video and great tool to bring me back to my own light after I’ve been triggered, thank you, love and light 🙏🏻

  23. Hi Melanie,

    You are a true inspiration and I thank you for sharing not only this Golden Divine Light video but all others as well. Following you has helped keep me on my path and I thank you.

  24. I’m feeling good and enjoy it but I’m a beginner want to Lean but .. But I’m in Ghana and I can’t have access to join your membership because we don’t used credit card so what should I do.thank you

  25. Thank you Melanie
    I love your work.
    I did the meditation with you and it was lovely so will do it again as definately needing more grounding today. Keep up your beautiful work.

  26. Thank you, Melanie, for your guidance. Your Golden Divine Light Energy meditation is wonderful. It’s awesome. It’s beautiful and powerful! Thanks again! Love and best wishes! John

  27. Thank you Melanie! I love this video and all that you do. You are truly gifted and a wonderful shining light for us all. Bless you and thank you once again 🙂

  28. Hi Melanie,Just wanted to let you know how much this little, big meditation meant to me ..I felt the Presence of God and got just a little teary eyed a bit. I know Him and His Angels are always near me but even more so when I went deep into this wonderful meditation. You have touched my heart and I appreciate it very much! Thank you! -Jay

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