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Love and Light – What’s the Meaning?… and How To Send Love & Light

Sending Love and Light How to Send Light and Love

Have you ever wondered if there was more you could be doing? To ease the suffering of others and transmute negativity rampantly unfolding on a global scale…

If there was something simple you could do to help friends and family who are stuck in hard times? Or something you could do to make a difference when you hear about terrible, and tragic happenings in the world?

There is!

Sending light and love is a simple and yet incredibly powerful lightworker technique that you can do from wherever you are.

Wishing people well, and sending blessings their way can make a profound impact, in ways you can’t even imagine. Even a couple of minutes thinking of someone, sending loving vibes and or wishing someone well can support people in changing their trajectory, and aligning with their true soul path.

We Are All Interconnected

We are all interconnected, and taking the time to focus your attention towards pure, loving thoughts for someone else is healing. Your team of angels and spirit guides are always available to assist you and the people you care about to create more positive changes into the light of day. Sending love and light is a form of distant energy healing…

And I'm going to share with you exactly how to send love and light here.

So that the next time you hear about violence, illness, or pain happening in the lives of those you care about or even across the world, there will be something you can do about it.

The Art of Positive Intentions

Sending light and love is simple, but powerful. It is the art of receiving and reciprocating all of that beautiful light within your heart center. Sharing this love reminds us that we’re all divine beings, connected through the threads of love, peace, and light where miracles and infinite possibilities can truly occur within our humanity.

It helps to stabilize shifting energies, and uplift those who are going through hard times.

Staying positive, and holding that energy of love, encouragement, compassion, and joy helps people withstand any negativity. Miracles happen all the time, and it only takes one believer of hope, love, peace, and magic to help others release the past, have faith in the future, and heal the present. Sending beams of loving, vibrant light is the most loving thing you can do for someone who needs it.

And the good news is, it's incredibly simple and with the help of the angels it can even be done incredibly quickly, from wherever you are.

“Instead of getting weighed down by the problems of others… Help them, by sending love and light!

So when you overhear something terrible on the news, instead of letting that adversely affect you, you can simply send love and light.

Don’t feed the fears, and instead reset into love, gratitude, and knowing that this is the way to return to peace. This is the way to support others and live with greater light, anchoring more light into the present, and seeing the best in people and all situations.

Curious to know the best way to send positive intentions, healing vibration, love and light?

Here's how to do it:


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How to Send Love and Light

Let’s send some love and light out into the world! Are you ready?

Sending love and light is a powerful light-worker technique that you can do at any time.

If there is a loved one facing difficulties and challenges,  sending love and light and holding the intention for the highest and best possibilities to unfold, will indeed bring positive change.

Even though you may not see evidence of it immediately, your thoughts, prayers and vibration have a ripple effect on the quality of someone’s life, circumstances and ability to see the highest possibilities emerge for them.

The same is true for both the news, economy, and politics that govern society as a whole. Anchoring in light and holding the space for blessings and positive outcomes plays an important role in raising the vibration of society as a whole… One person choosing love and peace at a time is truly what can create positive change on a global scale.

If there is a loved one facing difficulties and challenges,  sending love and light and holding the intention for the highest and best possibilities to unfold, will indeed bring positive change. Even though you may not see evidence of it immediately, your thoughts, prayers and vibration have a ripple effect on the quality of someone’s life, circumstances and ability to see the highest possibilities emerge for them.

The same is true for both the news, economy, and politics that govern society as a whole. Anchoring in light and holding the space for blessings and positive outcomes plays an important role in raising the vibration of society as a whole… One person choosing love and peace at a time is truly what can create positive change on a global scale.

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Fill Yourself First

You can also surround yourself with love and light, which is actually a foundational piece in sending it.

Let’s go ahead and jump right in.

  1. To send love and light, you first need to fill yourself with love and light.
  2. To do this now, consciously focus on your breathing as you relax and focus within.
  3. Focus in the area that is the center of your chest, your heart chakra area, imagining your heart beginning to glow with light of the Divine, and then, just place the intention:

“I now ask that my guides, angels, and the Divine, please surround me with love and light, please fill me with love and light.”

As you set this intention, imagine light glowing brilliantly all around you, filling your heart, filling your entire spinal column, and activating all of your chakras together as one glowing white light.

Raise Your Vibrations and Activate Your Chakras

As light flows within and around you, let yourself vibrate higher, let your light shine brighter, with incredible light, bringing all of your awareness and energy into this moment.

Let yourself be fully present in the moment, not thinking about the past, or worrying about the future. Not focused on someone else’s energy or anywhere else in the world. Right now, just focus on your breath, on your breathing, on vibrating higher and filling yourself up with light.

Imagine this light empowering you to tune into the experience of warmth and love of divine energy within you. One which supports you in letting go of the weight that you are no longer required to carry and instead, releasing this into the light.

It may help to imagine you’re standing in a waterfall of light, an orb of light, or that light steams are flowing in all around you… However you do this is fine.

Breathe in the light. Fill up with light. Let your light shine.

Know that this light is present with you now, and angels are blessing you, protecting you, and helping you release all that has run its course so that you may step fully into your Divine, brilliant truth of you.

Knowing that you are loved, and that others can also feel your love from afar…across time, space, and circumstance.

Visualize the Person You Want to Send Love and Light To

Now, focus on a person or on a geographical location you would like to send love and light to.

  • Imagine this place or person completely surrounded with angels and with light.
  • Imagine light in beams, flowing into their present point in time, dispersing darkness and negativity and illuminating them on every level with light of the Divine.
  • Ask your angels and guides, “Angels, thank you for surrounding, this person, or location, with light and with love.”
  • Continue visualizing light glowing all around them, totally illuminating their mind, body, and spirit.
  • When you visualize a person, see them as their best self which sends many blessings on their path. Believe in them and the enormous power they hold, and can access when they’re ready.
  • Notice their beauty, worthiness, strength, and light that is illuminating from their soul and into your inner vision. Honor their presence and imagine all the love and support that is pouring through them.
  • Pouring not only love and light, but also blessings, clarity, insight, and awareness that pours through their subconscious, guiding them through their journey.
  • And now that you’re completely filled and illuminated with light as well, you can also imagine light flowing out from your hands and from your heart.
  • Hold the same kind of divine love in your hand, which extends and pours outward to embrace the whole world and every living, divine being.

Because again, you’re filled with light, so now you can flow it onward.

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And so, as you breathe in, feel light flowing in through your crown and along your spinal column.

You’re vibrantly shining with light.

 A light gently guiding from your heart center and deeper into your inner space where divine light and unconditional love rests and flows like a thousand suns vibrating with warmth, love, joy and bliss.

The Healing Light of Undconditional Love

Now when you exhale, send the light out through your hands, through your heart, and with your intention, “For the highest and greatest good, according to divine will, I send you immense love and light in the way that will most serve, guided by angels, according to Divine will, for the highest and greatest good. And so, it is…”

Simple right?

If you followed along you just successfully sent love and light! If you just read… Go back and try this now!

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Trust that Divine Love Has Been Sent

This is powerful light work. Thank you for your willingness to fill yourself up with light, to create a powerful ripple of love and light around you by bringing it into your life.

And thank you for your willingness to send love and light to those you care about, and to all who are in need of it… It makes a huge difference, one person, and one moment at a time.

Sending you light and love now,

Melanie Beckler

about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

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  1. Thank you so much for all of your positive messages! I love your channel, what a beautiful person you are!

  2. Thank you so much Melanie with all the drama around me at the moment all I need is listen to your meditation and seems to relax me and to gives me strength to cope with it love and light ?

  3. In Gratitude Melanie Thankyou for sharing this and so many beautiful and inspiring meditations and teachings….

  4. Melanie,

    I want to personally thank you for all the wonderful guidance you brought to my life. You are really blessed. I always thank God and the angels to have discovered about your miraculous teachings that may touch and change the lives of millions.

    Wishing you lots of Divine Blessings.

  5. I had some gut feeling about divine love and light for the past 15 days, similar to your guidane, today I am overwhelmed to read this. AMAZING. GRATEFUL TO DIVONE GOD AND THE ANGEL WORK OF MELANIE. Ifeel that Melanie might have sent divine love and light. God bless your magnanimous service. I did the exercise , result I feel cleansed and healed.

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